Using fastapi_aad_auth ********************** Please see `Basic Usage `_ for information on how to configure and setup ``fastapi_aad_auth``. Customising authentication dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :meth:`~fastapi_aad_auth.auth.Authenticator.api_auth_required` method decorator provides controls over the scope, and is using the ``fastapi`` dependency injection system. If you want more customisation, you can use:: router = APIRouter() @router.get('/hello') async def hello_world(auth_state: AuthenticationState = Depends(auth_provider.auth_backend.requires_auth(allow_session=True))): print(auth_state) return {'hello': 'world'} Accessing User Tokens/View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two routes that are automatically added to this, the ``/me`` and ``/me/getToken`` routes. The ``/me`` route provides a summary of the current user, and enables them to get a bearer token from Azure AD. The ``/me/token`` endpoint provides that same token (for the logged in user) in a JSON object .. warning:: To get the token, this is primarily an interactive method, as it requires caching the token through the UI session based login approach, so it can fail intermittently depending on if the user has logged in recently. This can be disabled by setting the ``config.routing.user_path`` to ``None`` or ``''``. # Customising the User Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The authentication state user can be processed within the application methods - the ``Depends`` part of the api route returns an :class:`~fastapi_aad_auth._base.state.AuthenticationState` object - ``auth_state`` in the ``testapp`` (see :ref:`testing`). .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/testapp/ :language: python :linenos: :start-at: @router.get('/hello') :end-at: return The associated user is then available at ``auth_state.user`` The :class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.auth.Authenticator` object takes a ``user_klass`` argument: .. literalinclude:: ../../src/fastapi_aad_auth/ :language: python :linenos: :start-at: class Authenticator :end-before: """Initialise which defaults to the really basic :class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.oauth.state.User` class, but any object with the same interface should work, so you can add e.g. database calls etc. to validate/persist/check the user and any other desired behaviours. You can customise this when initialising the :class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.auth.Authenticator` object by setting the :class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.config.Config` ``user_klass`` variable (this can also be done by the associated environment variable, or in the argument, which overrides all other settings):: from fastapi_aad_auth import Authenticator, Config config = Config() auth = Authenticator(config, user_klass=MyUserClass) Customising the UI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The UI templates are rendered using Jinja2 Templates, with a customisation from :py:class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.ui.jinja.Jinja2Templates` that uses a loader that allows a package resource to be used in place of a file (using ``{% extends : %}``). Additionally, the :py:class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.config.LoginUIConfig` has an attribute ``ui_klass`` that can be used to customise how the context is built (note that this class should inherit from (or duck-type the public API of) :class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.ui.UI`) These jinja templates also are structured (see :doc:`module/fastapi_aad_auth.ui` docs for the other templates) from a base template that is relatively generic: .. literalinclude:: ../../src/fastapi_aad_auth/ui/base.html :language: html And can easily be extended or customised. Lastly, there is a context option on the :class:`~fastapi_aad_auth.config.LoginUIConfig` which can set additional context variables including the ``containerClass`` to change the CSS ``div`` class to use. Token Scopes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :mod:`fastapi_aad_auth` is used for providing authentication and authorisation on an API using Azure Active Directory as an authorisation provider. This means that scopes are requested against the ``client_id`` of the application rather than e.g. MS Graph or similar, if your backend API needs to access Microsoft (or other APIs) you will need to use e.g. an additional msal instance (or provide specific additional ``scopes`` through the :py:meth:`fastapi_aad_auth.providers.aad.AADSessionAuthenticator.get_access_token`, with ``app_scopes=False``), if those permissions are added on the App Registration. Alternatively, you can use an on-behalf-of flow (see `Azure Docs `_). Custom Token Scopes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may want to request tokens with specific scopes to be parsed, these are currently provided using the ``token_scopes`` configuration option on the :class:`fastapi_aad_auth._base.provider.ProviderConfig`. The scopes of a given token are added to the user class in the authentication state object. Custom OpenAPI OAuth Flows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default OAuth2 flow is ``authorizationCode``, however we support all the options in :py:mod:`fastapi`, and these can be customized using the ``flow_type`` option on :class:`fastapi_aad_auth._base.provider.ProviderConfig`. Caching Microsoft JWKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are making frequent authentication requests without sessions, then there will be frequent calls to get the Microsoft JWKs. There is an implemented cache using a Time-to-Live cache, which can be set through the `~fastapi_aad_auth.providers.aad.AADConfig` ``jwks_cache_ttl`` variable (or ``AAD_JWKS_CACHE_TTL`` environment variable).