Source code for MTfit.plot.plot_classes


Plotting classes for moment tensor plotting.

# **Restricted:  For Non-Commercial Use Only**
# This code is protected intellectual property and is available solely for teaching
# and non-commercially funded academic research purposes.
# Applications for commercial use should be made to Schlumberger or the University of Cambridge.

import re
import logging
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
from matplotlib import cm, patches
from matplotlib import __version__ as matplotlib_version
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d
from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch

from MTfit.inversion import station_angles
from MTfit.convert import MT33_MT6, toa_vec, tk_uv, E_tk, TNP_SDR, MT6_TNPE, E_GD, TP_FP, normal_SD, SDR_SDR, MT6_biaxes, E_uv
from MTfit.utilities.extensions import get_extensions
    from MTfit.sampling import unique_columns, _6sphere_prior, ln_bayesian_evidence
except Exception:
    pass  # SCIPY ERROR -CAN'T USE

from .spherical_projection import equal_area, equal_angle

logger = logging.getLogger('MTfit.plot')

# Default colors and colormaps
DEFAULT_COLOR = 'purple'

if StrictVersion(matplotlib_version) < StrictVersion('1.5.0'):


rad_deg = 180/np.pi

# Vector class

class Arrow3D(FancyArrowPatch):
    """3D arrow class"""
    def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Arrow3D, self).__init__((0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs)
        self._3d_vertices = xs, ys, zs

    def draw(self, renderer):
        xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._3d_vertices
        xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M)
        self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1]))
        super(Arrow3D, self).draw(renderer)

[docs]class MTData(object): """ MTData object manages the moment tensors. Additionally it enables conversion between different parameterisations and calculation of several statistics. This is used by all of the plot classes for handling the moment tensor, and is transparent to converting and accessing the moment tensors, as it behaves like a numpy array (e.g. indexing and properties like shape are given for the moment tensor). The MTData object also stores the probability, and is used for calculating the orientation mean. """ def __init__(self, MTs, probability=[], c=False, **kwargs): """ MTData initialisation Parameters corresponding to the moment tensor samples can be set as kwargs. These parameters include: T, N, P, E, u, v, tau, k, gamma, delta, kappa, h, sigma, strike1, dip1, rake1, strike2, dip2, rake2, N1, N2 Args MTs: numpy array of moment tensor six vectors with shape (6,n). Alternatively, the input can be a dictionary from the MTfit output. Keyword Args probability: list or numpy array of probabilities - should be the same length as the number of moment tensors, or empty (Default is []) **kwargs: Attributes that correspond to converted parameters of the moment tensor, as described above """ self._calculable = ['T', 'N', 'P', 'E', 'u', 'v', 'tau', 'k', 'gamma', 'delta', 'kappa', 'h', 'sigma', 'strike', 'strike1', 'strike2', 'dip', 'dip1', 'dip2', 'rake', 'rake1', 'rake2', 'N1', 'N2', 'clustered_N1', 'clustered_N2', 'clustered_rake1', 'clustered_rake2', 'mean_strike', 'mean_dip', 'mean_rake', 'mean_normal', 'cov_clustered_N1', 'var_clustered_rake1', 'bayesian_evidence', 'ln_bayesian_evidence', 'mean', 'covariance', 'max_probability', 'phi', 'explosion', 'area_displacement'] self.c = c # Stiffness tensor if isinstance(MTs, dict): # Assume output dictionary from MTfit try: try: self.MTs = self._check(MTs['moment_tensor_space']) key_map = {'g': 'gamma', 'd': 'delta', 'k': 'kappa', 's': 'sigma', 'S1': 'strike', 'D1': 'dip', 'R1': 'rake', 'S2': 'strike2', 'D2': 'dip2', 'R2': 'rake2', 'total_number_samples': 'total_number_samples'} self._set_probability(MTs['probability']) try: self._set_ln_pdf(MTs['ln_pdf']) except Exception: pass except Exception: self.MTs = self._check(MTs['MTSpace']) key_map = {'g': 'gamma', 'd': 'delta', 'k': 'kappa', 's': 'sigma', 'S1': 'strike', 'D1': 'dip', 'R1': 'rake', 'S2': 'strike2', 'D2': 'dip2', 'R2': 'rake2', 'NSamples': 'total_number_samples'} self._set_probability(MTs['Probability']) try: self._set_ln_pdf(MTs['ln_pdf']) except Exception: pass for key in MTs.keys(): try: mapped_key = key if key in key_map.keys(): mapped_key = key_map[key] if mapped_key in self._calculable or mapped_key == 'total_number_samples': setattr(self, mapped_key, MTs[key]) except Exception: logger.exception('Error mapping keys at key: {}'.format(key)) pass except Exception: pass else: self.MTs = self._check(MTs) self._set_probability(probability) for key in kwargs: if key in self._calculable or key == 'total_number_samples': setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) self._prior = kwargs.get('prior', _6sphere_prior) def _set_probability(self, probability): """Set probability samples, if the probability is the same size as the moment tensor.""" if not isinstance(probability, (np.ndarray, list)): probability = [probability] if len(probability) > 1: try: assert len(probability) == len(self) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('probability must either be 1 or have same length as the number of moment tensors') # Delete probability dependent parameters self._clear_dependent_parameters() self.probability = np.array(probability).flatten() def _set_ln_pdf(self, ln_pdf): """Set ln_pdf samples, if the ln_pdf is the same size as the moment tensor.""" if not isinstance(ln_pdf, (list, np.ndarray)): ln_pdf = [ln_pdf] try: assert len(ln_pdf) == len(self) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('ln_pdf must either be 1 or have same length as the number of moment tensors') # Delete ln_pdf dependent parameters self._clear_dependent_parameters() self.ln_pdf = ln_pdf def _clear_dependent_parameters(self): """ Clears dependent variables when updating the MTData object with new MTs etc. These variables are dependent on the MTs so need to be recalculated if these are changed. """ for attr in ['mean_normal', 'mean_strike', 'mean_dip', 'mean_rake', 'var_clustered_rake1', 'cov_clustered_N2', 'cov_clustered_N1', 'var_clustered_rake2', 'ln_bayesian_evidence', 'mean', 'covariance', 'max_probability']: try: delattr(self, attr) except Exception: pass def _check(self, MTs): """ Check the moment tensor dimensions and convert to MT 6 vector form. Returns numpy array: numpy array of moment tensor 6 vectors """ # convert MTs to MT6 if not isinstance(MTs, np.ndarray): MTs = np.array(MTs) if 6 not in MTs.shape: # MT 33 as (:,3,3) 3 dimensional array if MTs.shape[-2:] == (3, 3): # 3x3 matrix if len(MTs.shape) == 3: # multiple MT 3 vectors new_mts = np.empty((6, MTs.shape[0])) for i in range(MTs.shape[0]): new_mts[:, i] = np.array( MT33_MT6(MTs[i, :, :])).flatten() else: new_mts = MT33_MT6(MTs) else: raise ValueError('MTs shape, {} cannot be processed. The last two elements need to be 3,3 or it needs to be in six vector form'.format(MTs.shape)) else: new_mts = MTs # make into an array if len(new_mts.shape) < 2: new_mts = np.array([new_mts]) # Get 6,n format if new_mts.shape[0] != 6: new_mts = new_mts.T return new_mts def __getitem__(self, arg): """ MTData[x]<=>MTData.__getitem__(x) Handles moment tensor indexing, including any converted parameters. Returns MTData: new object with the corresponding moment tensors and any converted parameters. """ converted = self._get_converted(arg) probability = [] if len(self.probability) > 1: try: probability = self.probability.__getitem__(arg) except Exception: probability = self.probability.__getitem__(arg[1]) return self.__class__(self.MTs.__getitem__(arg), probability, **converted) def __setitem__(self, arg, value): """ MTData[x]=... <=>MTData.__setitem__(x,...) Sets the moment tensors using the argument and also sets any converted parameters. """ if len(self.probability) > 1: raise ValueError('Probability set so cannot set items') self.MTs.__setitem__(arg, value) self._set_converted(arg) def __delitem__(self, arg): """ del MTData[x] raises ValueError as cannot delete numpy array elements """ raise ValueError('Cannot delete numpy array elements') def __len__(self): """ len(x)<=>x.__len__() Returns int: number of moment tensors """ return self.MTs.shape[1] def __str__(self): """ str(x)<=>x.__str__() Returns str: moment tensor 6 vector array """ return str(self.MTs) def __repr__(self): """ repr(x)<=>x.__repr__() Returns str: moment tensor 6 vector array """ return repr(self.MTs) def __getattr__(self, attr): """ a.x<=>a.__getattr__(x) Handles Moment tensor conversion if the attribute is calculable, as well as the mean orientation """ if attr == 'mean_orientation': return (self.mean_strike, self.mean_dip, self.mean_rake) if attr == 'bayesian_evidence': return np.exp(self.ln_bayesian_evidence) MTindexes = ['xx', 'yy', 'zz', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'] if attr in MTindexes: return self.MTs[MTindexes.index(attr), :] if attr == 'probability': return [] if attr == 'shape': return getattr(self.MTs, attr) if attr in self._calculable: return self._convert(attr) return super(MTData, self).__getattribute__(attr) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return all(self.MTs == other.MTs) and all(self.probability == other.probability) elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): return all(self.MTs == other) def _get_converted(self, arg=None): """Gets converted parameters Keyword Args arg: slice or indexing to sample. If None (default), all converted samples are returned Returns dict: Dictionary of the calculated converted moment tensor parameters. """ converted = {} for key in self._calculable: if key in self.__dict__ and key not in ['mean', 'covariance', 'max_probability', 'mean_strike', 'mean_dip', 'mean_rake', 'mean_normal', 'cov_clustered_N1', 'var_clustered_rake1', 'ln_bayesian_evidence', 'bayesian_evidence']: if arg is None: converted[key] = getattr(self, key) else: try: converted[key] = getattr(self, key).__getitem__(arg) except Exception: converted[key] = getattr(self, key).__getitem__(arg[1]) return converted def _del_converted(self, arg=None): """ Deletes converted parameters - NOT CALLED AS NUMPY ARRAYS CANNOT DELETE ITEMS Keyword Args arg: slice or indexing to sample. If None (default), all converted samples are returned Returns dict: Dictionary of the calculated converted moment tensor parameters, with deleted values. """ self._clear_dependent_parameters() converted = {} for key in self._calculable: if key in self.__dict__: if arg is None: converted[key] = delattr(self, key) else: try: try: converted[key] = getattr(self, key).__delitem__(arg) except Exception: converted[key] = getattr(self, key).__delitem__(arg[1]) except Exception: try: converted[key] = np.delete(getattr(self, key), arg) except Exception: converted[key] = np.delete(getattr(self, key), arg[1]) return converted def _set_converted(self, arg): """ Sets the converted parameters for a new MTs set using __setitem__ If a parameter has been set, the new moment tensors are converted to that parameter and set (Includes parent parameters, i.e. those required to calculate the other parameters) Args arg: index or slice of parameters to set. """ self._clear_dependent_parameters() T, N, P, E = MT6_TNPE(self.MTs[arg]) if 'phi1' in self.__dict__.keys(): phi, explosion, area_displacement = MT6_biaxes( self.MTs[arg], self.c) try: self.phi1[arg] = (phi[:, :, 0]).T except Exception: self.phi1[arg[1]] = (phi[:, :, 0]).T try: self.phi2[arg] = (phi[:, :, 1]).T except Exception: self.phi2[arg[1]] = (phi[:, :, 1]).T try: self.area_displacement[arg] = area_displacement except Exception: self.area_displacement[arg[1]] = area_displacement try: self.explosion[arg] = explosion except Exception: self.explosion[arg[1]] = explosion if 'T' in self.__dict__.keys(): try: self.T[arg] = np.array(np.matrix(T)) self.N[arg] = np.array(np.matrix(N)) self.P[arg] = np.array(np.matrix(P)) except ValueError: self.T[arg] = T.flatten() self.N[arg] = N.flatten() self.P[arg] = P.flatten() if 'N1' in self.__dict__.keys(): N1, N2 = TP_FP(self.T, self.P) try: self.N1[arg] = np.matrix(N1) self.N2[arg] = np.matrix(N2) except ValueError: self.N1[arg] = N1.flatten() self.N2[arg] = N2.flatten() if 'strike' in self.__dict__.keys(): strike, dip, rake = TNP_SDR(T, N, P) try: self.strike[arg] = strike*rad_deg except Exception: self.strike[arg[1]] = strike*rad_deg try: self.dip[arg] = dip*rad_deg except Exception: self.dip[arg[1]] = dip*rad_deg try: self.rake[arg] = rake*rad_deg except Exception: self.rake[arg[1]] = rake*rad_deg if 'strike2' in self.__dict__.keys(): try: strike2, dip2, rake2 = SDR_SDR(strike, dip, rake) except Exception: strike, dip, rake = TNP_SDR(T, N, P) strike2, dip2, rake2 = SDR_SDR(strike, dip, rake) try: self.strike2[arg] = strike2*rad_deg except Exception: self.strike2[arg[1]] = strike2*rad_deg try: self.dip2[arg] = dip2*rad_deg except Exception: self.dip2[arg[1]] = dip2*rad_deg try: self.rake2[arg] = rake2*rad_deg except Exception: self.rake2[arg[1]] = rake2*rad_deg if 'gamma' in self.__dict__.keys(): gamma, delta = E_GD(E) try: self.gamma[arg] = gamma except Exception: self.gamma[arg[1]] = gamma try:[arg] = delta except Exception:[arg[1]] = delta if 'tau' in self.__dict__.keys(): tau, k = E_tk(E) try: self.tau[arg] = tau except Exception: self.tau[arg[1]] = tau try: self.k[arg] = k except Exception: self.k[arg[1]] = k if 'u' in self.__dict__.keys(): try: u, v = E_uv(tau, k) except Exception: tau, k = E_tk(E) u, v = E_uv(tau, k) try: self.u[arg] = u except Exception: self.u[arg[1]] = u try: self.v[arg] = v except Exception: self.v[arg[1]] = v if 'kappa' in self.__dict__.keys(): try: kappa = strike kappa[np.abs(rake) > 90] = strike2[np.abs(rake) > 90] h = dip h[np.abs(rake) > 90] = dip2[np.abs(rake) > 90] h = np.cos(h/rad_deg) sigma = rake sigma[np.abs(rake) > 90] = rake2[np.abs(rake) > 90] kappa = kappa/rad_deg sigma = sigma/rad_deg except Exception: strike, dip, rake = TNP_SDR(T, N, P) strike2, dip2, rake2 = SDR_SDR(strike, dip, rake) kappa = strike kappa[np.abs(rake) > 90] = strike2[np.abs(rake) > 90] h = dip h[np.abs(rake) > 90] = dip2[np.abs(rake) > 90] h = np.cos(h/rad_deg) sigma = rake sigma[np.abs(rake) > 90] = rake2[np.abs(rake) > 90] kappa = kappa/rad_deg sigma = sigma/rad_deg try: self.kappa[arg] = kappa except Exception: self.kappa[arg[1]] = kappa try: self.h[arg] = h except Exception: self.h[arg[1]] = h try: self.sigma[arg] = sigma except Exception: self.sigma[arg[1]] = sigma def _convert(self, attr, *args, **kwargs): """ Converts the parameters for a given attribute Args attr: str attribute to convert the moment tensor to Returns numpy array: values for the attribute """ if attr in ['strike1', 'dip1', 'rake1']: return getattr(self, attr.rstrip('1')) if attr in ['kappa', 'h', 'sigma']: kappa = self.strike1.copy() kappa[np.abs(self.rake1) > 90] = self.strike2[ np.abs(self.rake1) > 90] h = self.dip1.copy() h[np.abs(self.rake1) > 90] = self.dip2[np.abs(self.rake1) > 90] h = np.cos(h/rad_deg) sigma = self.rake1.copy() sigma[np.abs(self.rake1) > 90] = self.rake2[ np.abs(self.rake1) > 90] self.kappa = kappa/rad_deg self.h = h self.sigma = sigma/rad_deg if attr in ['strike2', 'dip2', 'rake2']: strike2, dip2, rake2 = SDR_SDR( self.strike1/rad_deg, self.dip1/rad_deg, self.rake1/rad_deg) self.strike2 = strike2*rad_deg self.dip2 = dip2*rad_deg self.rake2 = rake2*rad_deg if attr in ['gamma', 'delta']: gamma, delta = E_GD(self.E) self.gamma = gamma = delta if attr in ['strike', 'dip', 'rake']: strike, dip, rake = TNP_SDR(self.T, self.N, self.P) self.strike = strike*rad_deg self.dip = dip*rad_deg self.rake = rake*rad_deg if attr in ['T', 'N', 'P', 'E']: T, N, P, E = MT6_TNPE(self.MTs) self.T = np.array(T) self.N = np.array(N) self.P = np.array(P) self.E = np.array(E) if attr in ['N1', 'N2']: # N1 is T+P N2 is T-P - strike1, dip1,rake1 correspond to N1 and # strike2,dip2,rake2 to N2 N1, N2 = TP_FP(self.T, self.P) self.N1 = np.matrix(N1) self.N2 = np.matrix(N2) if attr in ['clustered_N1', 'clustered_N2', 'clustered_rake1', 'clustered_rake2']: self.cluster_normals() if attr in ['mean_strike', 'mean_dip', 'mean_rake', 'mean_orientation', 'mean_normal', 'cov_clustered_N1', 'var_clustered_rake1']: self.get_mean_orientation() if attr in ['mean', 'covariance']: self.get_mean() if attr in ['max_probability']: self.get_max_probability() if attr in ['u', 'v']: u, v = tk_uv(self.tau, self.k) self.u = u self.v = v if attr in ['phi1', 'phi2', 'area_displacement', 'explosion']: phi, explosion, area_displacement = MT6_biaxes(self.MTs, self.c) try: self.phi1 = np.squeeze(phi[:, :, 0]).T self.phi2 = np.squeeze(phi[:, :, 1]).T except Exception: self.phi1 = np.atleast_2d(phi[:, 0]).T self.phi2 = np.atleast_2d(phi[:, 1]).T self.area_displacement = area_displacement self.explosion = explosion if attr in ['tau', 'k']: tau, k = E_tk(self.E) self.tau = tau self.k = k if attr in ['ln_bayesian_evidence']: try: self.ln_bayesian_evidence = ln_bayesian_evidence({'g': self.gamma, 'd':, 'ln_pdf': self.ln_pdf}, self.total_number_samples, self._prior) except Exception: raise ValueError('Bayesian Evidence calculation requires probability and total_number_samples attributes to be set.') return getattr(self, attr)
[docs] def is_dc(self): """Returns array of DC values""" return np.multiply(np.abs(self.gamma) < 10**-10, np.abs( < 10**-10,)
[docs] def cluster_normals(self): """ Cluster the normals. This is a very simplistic algorithm that clusters the normals by dividing them into two groups with the shortest distance between them. N.B. This depends on the initial values given, so if the normals are not well clustered, or the initial normals chosen are outliers, the results will not be a good clustering. Consequently, only use this approach for well clustered fault plane normals (in at least one normal direction). The more tightly clustered normals are set to clustered_N1. Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of numpy arrays, clustered_N1, clustered_N2, clustered_rake1,clustered_rake2 """ # Use max probability as base if it exists if len(self.probability) > 1: max_prob_idx = self.probability == self.probability.max() else: max_prob_idx = 0 n1 = np.matrix(np.zeros((self.T.shape[0], self.T.shape[1]+1))) n2 = np.matrix(np.zeros((self.T.shape[0], self.T.shape[1]+1))) n1[:, 0] = self.N1[:, max_prob_idx][:, 0] n2[:, 0] = self.N2[:, max_prob_idx][:, 0] rake1 = self.rake1.copy() rake2 = self.rake2.copy() for i in range(0, self.N1.shape[1]): # np.abs allows vector flipping - if cos theta is negative then the # negative vector would have the equivalent positive value n1_1cos_theta = np.abs(self.N1[:, i].T*n1).max() n1_2cos_theta = np.abs(self.N2[:, i].T*n1).max() n2_1cos_theta = np.abs(self.N1[:, i].T*n2).max() n2_2cos_theta = np.abs(self.N2[:, i].T*n2).max() dist = np.array([n1_1cos_theta, n1_2cos_theta, n2_1cos_theta, n2_2cos_theta]) ind = np.nonzero(dist == max(dist))[0] if (len(ind == 1) and (ind[0] == 0 or ind[0] == 3)) or (ind == [0, 3]).all(): if (self.N1[:, i].T*n1).max() < 0: N1 = -self.N1[:, i] else: N1 = self.N1[:, i] if (self.N2[:, i].T*n2).max() < 0: N2 = -self.N2[:, i] else: N2 = self.N2[:, i] n1[:, i+1] = N1 n2[:, i+1] = N2 else: if (self.N1[:, i].T*n1).max() < 0: N1 = -self.N1[:, i] else: N1 = self.N1[:, i] if (self.N2[:, i].T*n2).max() < 0: N2 = -self.N2[:, i] else: N2 = self.N2[:, i] n2[:, i+1] = N1 r2 = rake2[i] rake2[i] = rake1[i] n1[:, i+1] = N2 rake1[i] = r2 n1 = n1[:, 1:] n2 = n2[:, 1:] if (np.var(np.mean(n1, 1).T*n1) > np.var(np.mean(n2, 1).T*n2)) and ((np.var(n1, 1)).max() > (np.var(n2, 1)).max()): nx = n1 r1 = rake1 n1 = n2 rake1 = rake2 n2 = nx rake2 = r1 self.clustered_N1 = n1 self.clustered_N2 = n2 self.clustered_rake1 = rake1 self.clustered_rake2 = rake2 return self.clustered_N1, self.clustered_N2, self.clustered_rake1, self.clustered_rake2
[docs] def get_mean_orientation(self): """Get the mean orientation from the clustered normals and rake parameters using the more tightly clustered parameters. This also calculates the variance of the rake distributions and covariance of the clustered normals (using the probability if it is set) Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of the mean strike dip and rake of the fault planes. """ self.clustered_N1[:, np.array(self.clustered_N1[:, 0].T*self.clustered_N1).flatten() < 0] = -self.clustered_N1[:, np.array(self.clustered_N1[:, 0].T*self.clustered_N1).flatten() < 0] if len(self.probability) > 1: n = np.sum(np.multiply(self.clustered_N1, self.probability), 1)/np.sum(self.probability) r = np.sum(np.multiply(self.clustered_rake1, self.probability))/np.sum(self.probability) self.var_clustered_rake1 = (np.sum(np.multiply(np.multiply(self.clustered_rake1-r, self.clustered_rake1-r), self.probability)) / (np.sum(self.probability)-(np.sum(np.multiply(self.probability, self.probability))/np.sum(self.probability)))) r2 = np.sum(np.multiply(self.clustered_rake1, self.probability))/np.sum(self.probability) self.var_clustered_rake2 = (np.sum(np.multiply(np.multiply(self.clustered_rake2-r2, self.clustered_rake2-r2), self.probability)) / (np.sum(self.probability)-(np.sum(np.multiply(self.probability, self.probability))/np.sum(self.probability)))) if StrictVersion(np.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.10.0'): cov = ((np.sum(self.probability)/(np.sum(self.probability)**2-np.sum(np.multiply(self.probability, self.probability)))) * (np.matrix(np.multiply(self.clustered_N1-n, self.probability)) * np.matrix(self.clustered_N1-n).T)) self.cov_clustered_N1 = cov n2 = np.sum(np.multiply(self.clustered_N2, self.probability), 1)/np.sum(self.probability) cov = ((np.sum(self.probability)/(np.sum(self.probability)**2-np.sum(np.multiply(self.probability, self.probability)))) * (np.matrix(np.multiply(self.clustered_N2-n2, self.probability)) * np.matrix(self.clustered_N2-n2).T)) self.cov_clustered_N2 = cov else: self.cov_clustered_N1 = np.cov(self.clustered_N1, aweights=self.probability, ddof=1) self.cov_clustered_N2 = np.cov(self.clustered_N2, aweights=self.probability, ddof=1) else: n = np.mean(self.clustered_N1, 1) r = np.mean(self.clustered_rake1) self.var_clustered_rake1 = np.var(self.clustered_rake1, ddof=1) self.var_clustered_rake2 = np.var(self.clustered_rake2, ddof=1) self.cov_clustered_N1 = np.cov(self.clustered_N1, ddof=1) self.cov_clustered_N2 = np.cov(self.clustered_N2, ddof=1) s, d = normal_SD(n) self.mean_normal = n self.mean_strike = s*rad_deg self.mean_dip = d*rad_deg self.mean_rake = r return s, d, r
[docs] def get_unique_McMC(self): """Gets the unique McMC samples, with the probability scaled by the number of samples Returns MTData: New MTData object with unique MT samples and probabilities corresponding to the moment tensor frequencies. """ _MTs, counts, idx = unique_columns(self.MTs, True, True) new = self[:, idx] new._set_probability(counts) return new
[docs] def get_max_probability(self, single=False): """Returns an MTData object containing the maximum probability solutions Keyword Args single: bool - flag to return only one moment tensor (the first maximum probability moment tensor) Returns: MTData: New MTData object with max probability MT samples. """ if not len(self.probability) > 1: raise ValueError('maximum probability requires probability to be set.') idx = self.probability == self.probability.max() new = self[:, idx] if single and len(new) > 1: new = new[:, 0] self.max_probability = new return new
[docs] def get_mean(self): """ Calculates the mean moment tensor and variance of the moment tensor samples Returns: numpy array,numpy array: tuple of numpy arrays for the mean moment tensor six vector and the moment tensor six vector covariance. """ if len(self.probability) > 1: mean = np.sum( np.multiply(self.MTs, self.probability), 1)/np.sum(self.probability) mean = np.array(np.matrix(mean).T) if StrictVersion(np.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.10.0'): covariance = (np.sum(self.probability)/(np.sum(self.probability)**2-np.sum(np.multiply(self.probability, self.probability))))*( np.matrix(np.multiply(self.MTs-mean, self.probability))*np.matrix(self.MTs-mean).T) self.covariance = covariance else: self.covariance = np.cov(self.MTs, aweights=self.probability, ddof=1) else: mean = np.mean(self.MTs, 1) mean = np.array(np.matrix(mean).T) covariance = np.cov(self.MTs, ddof=1) self.covariance = covariance self.mean = mean return self.mean, self.covariance
[docs]class MTplot(object): """MTplot class - handles plotting of the moment tensor using different plot_classes This object acts as a handle round a matplotlib figure, handling the moment tensors and creating the plot classes for axes. """ def __init__(self, MTs, plot_type='beachball', stations={}, plot=True, label=False, save_file='', save_dpi=200, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialises the MTplot object. Multiple plots (subplots) are handled using the matplotlib GridSpec - to create multiple plots, use nested lists for the MTs, with the inner lists corresponding to each column and the outer each row, e.g.:: [[x,y=1,1;x,y=2,1],[x,y=1,2;x,y=2,2]] The total number of columns is given by the max number of points in the nested list. Lists with fewer points will have the last plot stretched to cover the remaining columns. Setting None in the list will stretch the plot to it's left to cover the columns. The args and kwargs, which are passed through to the plot_class object can also be nested in this way. Additionally, if the parameters are equal to the number of columns, or number of rows, the same values are used for each plot in the corresponding column or row. If the dimension of the multiplot is square, the parameters are assumed to correspond to the rows. Args MTs: Moment tensor samples for creating MTData object, such as a numpy array of MT 6 vectors (see MTData initialisation for different types, and MTplot docstring for handling multiple plots Keyword Args plot_type: str - plot type selection (Default is 'beachball') stations: dict - Dictionary of stations, containing keys: 'names','azimuth','takeoff_angle' and 'polarity' or an empty dict (default) plot: bool - flag to actually plot and show the figure label: bool - flag to show axis labels if multiple plots are being shown save_file: string - filename to save plot to (if set) save_dpi: int - output dpi for file save args: passed through to plot_class initialisation kwargs: passed through to plot_class initialisation """ # Get number of plots x = 1 y = 1 = kwargs.pop('show', True) if isinstance(MTs, list): # Handling structured data, multiplot using grid spec if any([isinstance(u, list) for u in MTs]): y = len(MTs) x = max([len(u) for u in MTs if isinstance(u, list)]) else: y = 1 x = len(MTs) MTs = [MTs] else: MTs = [[MTs]] # Prep data: indices = [] for i in range(y): indices.append([]) while len(MTs[i]) < x: MTs[i].append(None) for j in range(x): if MTs is not None: indices[-1].append(1) else: indices[-1].append(0) self.yx = (y, x, indices) plot_type = self._prep_data(plot_type, 'plot_type') stations = self._prep_data(stations, 'stations') new_args = [] for i, arg in args: new_args.append(self._prep_data(arg, 'arg '+str(i))) new_kwargs = {} for key in kwargs.keys(): new_kwargs[key] = self._prep_data(kwargs[key], key) self.plot_classes = [] from matplotlib import pyplot as plt self.fig = plt.figure() self.grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpec(y, x) self.label = label self.save_file = save_file self.save_dpi = save_dpi self.labels = [] for i in range(y): ind = np.nonzero(self.yx[2][i])[0] for u, j in enumerate(ind): try: gs = self.grid_spec[i, j:ind[u+1]] except Exception: gs = self.grid_spec[i, j:] plot_args = [] plot_kwargs = {} for arg in new_args: plot_args.append(arg[i][j]) for key in new_kwargs.keys(): plot_kwargs[key] = new_kwargs[key][i][j] class_mapping_key = plot_type[i][j].lower().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('_', '') if class_mapping_key not in class_mapping.keys(): raise ValueError('Plot type: '+plot_type[i][j]+' not recognised') self.plot_classes.append(class_mapping[class_mapping_key](gs, self.fig, MTs[i][j], stations=stations[i][j], *plot_args, **plot_kwargs)) # default is to plot, but can be stopped by adding plot=False to MTplot # initialisation arguments if plot: self.plot(**kwargs) def _prep_data(self, param, name): """ Prepares the data to the given multi-plot dimensions Returns: list: nested list of parameter values of the correct dimensions for the multiplot. """ try: if isinstance(param, list): if all([isinstance(u, list) for u in param]) and len(param) == self.yx[0]: assert len(param) == self.yx[0] for i, u in enumerate(param): # assert len(param)==sum(self.yx[2][i]) for j in range(self.yx[1]): if self.yx[2][i][j] is None: param[i].insert(j, None) assert len(param[i]) == self.yx[1] return param elif len(param) == sum(self.yx[2][0]): # X axis params (default) new_param = [param] for i in range(self.yx[0]): new_param.append(param) for j in range(self.yx[1]): if self.yx[2][i][j] is None: new_param[i].insert(j, None) return new_param elif len(param) == self.yx[1]: # Y axis params new_param = [] for i in range(self.yx[0]): new_param.append([]) for j in range(self.yx[1]): if self.yx[2][i][j] is None: new_param[i].append(None) else: new_param[i].append(param[i]) return new_param # param is individual so need to expand to full region new_param = [] for i in range(self.yx[0]): new_param.append([]) for j in range(self.yx[1]): if self.yx[2][i][j] is None: new_param[i].append(None) else: new_param[i].append(param) return new_param except AssertionError: raise ValueError(name+' incorrect size - needs to be a nested list of size '+str(self.yx[1])+','+str(self.yx[0])+' or an individual value, or to match the x or y axis sizes')
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the figure and shows it. Calls the plot functions for each plot_class in the multiplot. """ for plot_class in self.plot_classes: plot_class(*args, **kwargs) self.fig.patch.set_facecolor('w') if self.ax_labels( if len(self.save_file): self.fig.savefig(self.save_file, dpi=self.save_dpi) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.close(self.fig)
[docs] def ax_labels(self, show=True): """Set or update axis label to axis corners.""" if self.label: if show: plot_class_ind = 0 top_max = [] for i in range(self.yx[0]): ind = np.nonzero(self.yx[2][i])[0] t_max = 0 for u, j in enumerate(ind): t_max = max( [t_max, self.plot_classes[plot_class_ind].ax.get_position().corners()[1, 1]]) plot_class_ind += 1 top_max.append(t_max) label = ord('a') bot, top, left, right = self.grid_spec.get_grid_positions(self.fig) k = 0 for i in range(self.yx[0]): ind = np.nonzero(self.yx[2][i])[0] for u, j in enumerate(ind): try: self.labels[k].set_position((left[k], top_max[i])) except Exception: self.labels.append(self.fig.text(left[k], top_max[i], '('+chr(label)+')', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom')) label += 1 k += 1 if show:
[docs]class _BasePlot(object): """ This is the base class for MT plotting This class handles plotting to a single axis including projection and conversion of the moment tensor, setting the figure background etc. Should be subclassed """ single = False
[docs] def __init__(self, subplot_spec, fig, MTs, *args, **kwargs): """ BasePlot initialisation Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc """ show = kwargs.pop('show', True) try: self.dimension = int(kwargs.get('dimension', 2)) if self.dimension not in [2, 3]: raise Exception except Exception: raise ValueError('dimension options must be an integer, either 2 or 3, not '+str(kwargs.get('dimension', 2))) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if not fig: self.fig = plt.figure() = show else: self.fig = fig = False if not subplot_spec: self.grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) else: self.grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 1, subplot_spec=subplot_spec) if self.dimension < 3: ax = self.fig.add_subplot(self.grid_spec[0, 0]) ax = self.fig.gca() else: ax = self.fig.add_subplot(self.grid_spec[0, 0], projection='3d') ax = self.fig.gca() = ax if isinstance(MTs, MTData): self.MTs = MTs else: self.MTs = MTData(MTs) if self.single and len(self.MTs) > 1: raise ValueError('Can only plot single moment tensors in an '+(' '.join(re.findall( '[A-Z][^A-Z]*', str(self.__class__).split('.')[-1].lstrip('_').rstrip("'>")))).lower()) self.colormap = cm.get_cmap(kwargs.get('colormap', DEFAULT_AMP_COLORMAP)) self.colormap.set_under([0, 0, 0, 0]) self.fontsize = kwargs.get('fontsize', 10) self.kwargs = kwargs self.linewidth = float(kwargs.get('linewidth', 1.5)) self.text = bool(kwargs.get('text', True)) self.axis_lines = bool(kwargs.get('axis_lines', True)) self.resolution = int(kwargs.get('resolution', 1000))
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """X(*args,**kwargs)=X.__call__(*args,**kwargs) Plots the result """ self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, MTs=False, *args, **kwargs): """Plots the result Keyword Args MTs: Moment tensors to plot (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) args: args passed to the _ax_plot function (e.g. set local parameters to be different from initialisation values) kwargs: kwargs passed to the _ax_plot function (e.g. set local parameters to be different from initialisation values) """ if MTs: self.MTs = MTs self._convert() # Let's remove kwargs that aren't valid plot_kwargs = {u: v for u, v in kwargs.items() if u not in ['nodal_line', 'fault_plane', 'TNP', 'axis_lines', 'projection', 'lower', 'full_sphere', 'show_stations', 'station_distribution', 'show_zero_polarity', 'station_markersize', 'station_colors', 'show_mean', 'max_number_planes', 'probability_cutoff', 'grid_lines', 'marginalised', 'hex_bin', 'type_label', 'zorder', 'weights', 'parameter', 'hex_extent', 'show_max_likelihood', 'probability', 'resolution', 'markersize', 'fontsize', 'text', 'colormap', 'linewidth', 'hex_bin']} handle = self._ax_plot(*args, **plot_kwargs) self._background(handle) if return handle
[docs] def _convert(self): """Handles MT conversion to coordinates (setting xdata,ydata,zdata (if required) and cdata attributes) """ x, y, z, c = self._convert_mts() self.xdata = x self.ydata = y if not isinstance(z, bool): self.zdata = z self.cdata = c
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): """Convert the moment tensors as required""" if isinstance(self.__class__, _BasePlot): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the subclass')
[docs] def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Main plotting function Plots the axis """ if isinstance(self.__class__, _BasePlot): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the subclass')
[docs] def _background(self, handle): """Create the plot background""" if isinstance(self.__class__, _BasePlot): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the subclass')
[docs] def _eigenvector_matrix(self, e1, e2, e3): """ create an eigenvector matrix Args e1: numpy array/matrix - first eigenvector e2: numpy array/matrix - second eigenvector e3: numpy array/matrix - third eigenvector Returns numpy matrix: eigenvector matrix """ return np.matrix([np.array(e1).flatten(), np.array(e2).flatten(), np.array(e3).flatten()])
# Deep plotting functions
[docs] def _surf_plot(self, x, y, z, c, zorder=0, **kwargs): """ Call to plot a surface (handles 2 or 3 dimensions as required) Args x: numpy array - x coordinates y: numpy array - y coordinates z: numpy array - z coordinates c: numpy array/str- c values Keyword Args zorder: float - z index of the surface (positive higher) """ if self.dimension < 3: return self._2d_surf_plot(x, y, c, **kwargs) return self._3d_surf_plot(x, y, z, c, **kwargs)
[docs] def _scatter_plot(self, x, y, z, c, marker='.', markersize=10, zorder=0, **kwargs): """ Call to plot scatter (handles 2 or 3 dimensions as required) Args x: numpy array - x coordinates y: numpy array - y coordinates z: numpy array - z coordinates c: numpy array/str- c values Keyword Args marker: str - marker description (see matplotlib documentation) markersize: float - marker width (squared to correspond to markersize parameter) zorder: float - z index of the surface (positive higher) """ try: if isinstance(c, np.ndarray) and c.shape == x.shape: c = c[~np.isnan(x)] except Exception: pass nans = np.isnan(x) if not np.isscalar(x): y = y[~nans] x = x[~nans] if self.dimension < 3: return self._2d_scatter_plot(x, y, c, marker, markersize, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) if not np.isscalar(z): z = z[~nans] return self._3d_scatter_plot(x, y, z, c, marker, markersize, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _line_plot(self, x, y, z, c, linestyle='-', linewidth=1, zorder=0, **kwargs): """ Call to plot a line (handles 2 or 3 dimensions as required) Args x: numpy array - x coordinates y: numpy array - y coordinates z: numpy array - z coordinates c: numpy array/str- c value Keyword Args linestyle: str - linestyle description (see matplotlib documentation) linewidth: float - line width zorder: float - z index of the surface (positive higher) """ if self.dimension < 3: return self._2d_line_plot(x, y, c, linestyle, linewidth, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) return self._3d_line_plot(x, y, z, c, linestyle, linewidth, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _text(self, x, y, z, text, zorder=2, **kwargs): """ Call to write text (handles 2 or 3 dimensions as required) Args x: numpy array - x coordinates y: numpy array - y coordinates z: numpy array - z coordinates text: str - text value Keyword Args zorder: float - z index of the surface (positive higher) """ try: for i, x_i in enumerate(x): try: if isinstance(text, str): raise Exception() t = text[i] except Exception: t = text self._text(x_i, y[i], z[i], t, **kwargs) return except Exception: # Not iterable pass if np.isnan(x) or np.isnan(y): return kwargs['fontsize'] = kwargs.get('fontsize', self.fontsize) if self.dimension < 3: return self._2d_text(x, y, text, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) if np.isnan(z): return return self._3d_text(x, y, z, text, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _2d_surf_plot(self, x, y, c, zorder=0, **kwargs): """2d surface plot (see _surf_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('colormap', None) kwargs.pop('bins', None) # Need to handle nans in x and y here valid = ~np.isnan(x) assert (valid == ~np.isnan(y)).all(), 'Expect both x and y to have the same NaN values' valid_rows = np.bitwise_and.reduce(valid, axis=1) assert (valid_rows == np.bitwise_or.reduce(valid, axis=1)).all(), 'Expect to set each row to either nan or non nan' return[valid_rows, :], y[valid_rows, :], c[valid_rows, :], cmap=self.colormap, shading='flat', zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _2d_scatter_plot(self, x, y, c, marker='.', markersize=10, zorder=0, **kwargs): """2d scatter plot (see _scatter_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('color', None) kwargs.pop('bins', None) return, y, markersize*markersize, color=c, marker=marker, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _2d_line_plot(self, x, y, c, linestyle, linewidth, zorder=0, **kwargs): """2d line plot (see _line_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('color', None) kwargs.pop('bins', None) return, y, color=c, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _2d_text(self, x, y, text, fontsize, zorder=2, **kwargs): """2d text plot (see _text_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('bins', None) return, y, text, fontsize=fontsize, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
# 3D
[docs] def _3d_surf_plot(self, x, y, z, c, zorder=0, **kwargs): """3d surface plot (see _surf_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('colormap', None) kwargs.pop('bins', None) try: return, y, z, facecolors=self.colormap(c), rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) except Exception: return, y, z, color=c, rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _3d_scatter_plot(self, x, y, z, c, marker='.', markersize=10, zorder=0, **kwargs): """3d scatter plot (see _scatter_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('color', None) kwargs.pop('bins', None) return, y, z, color=c, marker=marker, **kwargs)
[docs] def _3d_line_plot(self, x, y, z, c, linestyle, linewidth, zorder=0, **kwargs): """3d line plot (see _line_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('color', None) kwargs.pop('bins', None) return, y, z, kwargs.get('markersize', 2)**2, color=c, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def _3d_text(self, x, y, z, text, fontsize, zorder=2, **kwargs): """3d text plot (see _text_plot documentation)""" kwargs.pop('bins', None) return, y, z, text, fontsize=fontsize, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs]class _FocalSpherePlot(_BasePlot): """Base class for plotting on a focal sphere""" def __init__(self, subplot_spec, fig, MTs, stations={}, phase='P', *args, **kwargs): """ Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args phase: str - phase to plot (default='p') lower: bool - project lower hemisphere (ie. downward hemisphere) full_sphere: bool - plot the full sphere fault_plane: bool - plot the fault planes nodal_line: bool - plot the nodal lines stations: dict - station dict containing keys: 'names','azimuth','takeoff_angle' and 'polarity' station_distribution: list - list of station dictionaries corresponding to a location PDF distribution show_zero_polarity: bool - flag to show zero polarity receivers show_stations: bool - flag to show stations when station_distribution present station_markersize: float - station marker size (squared to get area) station_colors: tuple - tuple of colors for negative, no, and positive polarity TNP: bool - show the TNP axes on the plot colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc """ super(_FocalSpherePlot, self).__init__(subplot_spec, fig, MTs, *args, **kwargs) self.phase = phase try: self.projection = kwargs.get('projection', 'equalarea').replace('-', '').replace('_', '').replace(' ', '').lower() if self.projection not in ['equalarea', 'equalangle']: raise ValueError('Projection {} not recognised'.format(self.projection)) except Exception: raise ValueError('projection options must be either "equalarea" or "equalangle", not '+str(kwargs.get('projection', 'equalarea'))) if self.dimension < 3: self._projection_fn = {'equalarea': equal_area, 'equalangle': equal_angle}[self.projection] self.lower = kwargs.get('lower', True) self.full_sphere = kwargs.get('full_sphere', False) self.fault_plane = float(kwargs.get('fault_plane', True)) self.nodal_line = float(kwargs.get('nodal_line', False)) self.stations = stations self.show_stations = kwargs.get('show_stations', True) self.station_distribution = kwargs.get('station_distribution', False) self.show_zero_polarity = kwargs.get('show_zero_polarity', True) if self.station_distribution: # Join together self.station_distribution_pdf = np.squeeze(np.array([self.station_distribution['probability']])) n_samples = len(self.station_distribution['distribution']) n_stations = len(self.station_distribution['distribution'][0]['names']) azimuth = np.empty((n_stations, n_samples)) takeoff_angle = np.empty((n_stations, n_samples)) names = sorted(self.station_distribution['distribution'][0]['names']) for i, station in enumerate(self.station_distribution['distribution']): try: name_match = station['names'] == names except Exception: try: name_match = (station['names'] == names).any() except Exception: name_match = False if not name_match: _name, azimuth[:, i], takeoff_angle[:, i] = zip(*sorted(zip(station['names'], np.array(station['azimuth']).flatten().tolist(), np.array(station['takeoff_angle']).flatten()), key=lambda l: names.index(l[0]))) else: azimuth[:, i], takeoff_angle[:, i] = (np.array(station['azimuth']).flatten().tolist(), np.array(station['takeoff_angle']).flatten()) if self.stations and names == self.stations['names']: polarity = self.stations['polarity'] else: polarity = [] if self.stations: station_pol = np.array(self.stations['polarity']) if len(station_pol.shape) > 1: station_pol = np.array(station_pol).flatten() for name in names: if self.stations and name in self.stations['names']: polarity.append(station_pol[self.stations['names'].index(name)]) else: polarity.append(0) polarity = np.array(polarity) idx = np.argsort(self.station_distribution_pdf) self.station_distribution_pdf = self.station_distribution_pdf[idx] # sort to station_distribution_pdf order (min -> max) self.station_distribution = {'names': [], 'azimuth': azimuth[:, idx], 'takeoff_angle': takeoff_angle[:, idx], 'polarity': polarity} self.station_markersize = kwargs.get('station_markersize', 10) self.station_colors = kwargs.get('station_colors', ('k', 'w', 'k')) self.TNP = bool(kwargs.get('TNP', True))
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): if isinstance(self.__class__, _FocalSpherePlot): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the subclass')
[docs] def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(self.__class__, _FocalSpherePlot): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the subclass')
[docs] def plot_plane(self, strike, dip, c, radians=False, zorder=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a plane on the focal sphere Args strike - strike of the plane dip - dip of the plane c - color description(see matplotlib documentation) Keyword Args radians: bool - strike and dip in radians or degrees zorder: float - z order of the plane (larger is on top) """ if not radians: strike = strike*np.pi/180. dip = dip*np.pi/180. v1 = toa_vec((strike+np.pi/2), (np.pi/2-dip), radians=True) v2 = toa_vec(strike, np.pi/2, radians=True) [x, y, z] = self._get_great_circle(v1, v2) kwargs['linewidth'] = kwargs.get('linewidth', 0.75*self.linewidth) kwargs['linestyle'] = kwargs.get('linestyle', '-') if self.dimension < 3: # switched so north is up and east right y, x = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=self.lower, full_sphere=self.full_sphere) return self._line_plot(x, y, z, c, zorder=zorder, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_great_circle(self, v1, v2, az=(0, 2*np.pi), n=500): """ Get the great circle described by the two vectors v1 and v2 Args v1: numpy matrix/tuple - vector on the great circle v2: numpy matrix/tuple - a different vector on the great circle Keyword Args n_quadrants: int - number of quadrants of the great circle to calculate Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of coordinates (x,y,z) """ if isinstance(v1, tuple): v1 = np.matrix([[v1[0]], [v1[1]], [v1[2]]]) if isinstance(v2, tuple): v2 = np.matrix([[v2[0]], [v2[1]], [v2[2]]]) az = np.linspace(*az, num=n) if np.abs(np.matrix(v1).T*np.matrix(v2)) > 10**-10: v3 = np.cross(v1.T, v2.T).T v3 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(v3*v3)) v2 = np.cross(v3.T, v1.T).T r = v1*np.cos(az)+v2*np.sin(az) return np.array(r[0, :]).flatten(), np.array(r[1, :]).flatten(), np.array(r[2, :]).flatten()
[docs] def _get_small_circle(self, pole, alpha, az=(0, 2*np.pi)): """ Get small circle about the pole with opening angle alpha Args pole: numpy matrix - pole of the small circle alpha: float - angle of the small circle from the pole Keyword Args az: tuple - lower and upper limits of the azimuth to calculate for the small circle Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of coordinates (x,y,z) """ # Calculate about z axis and rotate n = 360 X = np.ones((3, n)) az = np.linspace(az[0], az[1], n) X[0, :] = np.sin(alpha)*np.cos(az) X[1, :] = np.sin(alpha)*np.sin(az) X[2, :] = X[2, :]*np.cos(alpha) # Calculate rotation matrix - simple rotation about a rotation axis R = self._rotation_matrix(pole) v = R*np.matrix(X) return v[0, :], v[1, :], v[2, :]
[docs] def _rotation_matrix(self, zaxis): """ Calculate rotation matrix to rotate the vector zaxis onto the z-axis Args zaxis: numpy matrix - vector to be rotated onto the z-axis Returns numpy matrix: rotation matrix """ rAxis = np.cross(np.matrix(zaxis).T, np.matrix([[0], [0], [1]]).T).T if rAxis.any(): theta = -np.arcsin(np.sqrt(np.sum(rAxis.T*rAxis))/(np.sqrt(np.sum(zaxis.T*zaxis)))) rAxis = rAxis/np.sqrt(np.sum(rAxis.T*rAxis)) rX = rAxis[0] rY = rAxis[1] rZ = rAxis[2] R = (np.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])*np.cos(theta)+np.sin(theta) * np.matrix([[0, -rZ, rY], [rZ, 0, -rX], [-rY, rX, 0]])+(1-np.cos(theta))*(rAxis.T*rAxis)) else: R = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) return R
[docs] def _get_nodal_line(self, T, N, P, E): """ Gets the nodal line (values with zero amplitude) Args T: numpy matrix - Tension (eigen)vector N: numpy matrix - Neutral (eigen)vector P: numpy matrix - Pressure (eigen)vector E: numpy array - Eigenvalues (E[0]>=E[1]>=E[2]) Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array - tuple of x y z coordinates of the nodal lines """ sign_check = False # Get unique values and counts if StrictVersion(np.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.10.0'): unique, inverse = np.unique(E, return_inverse=True) counts = np.zeros(len(unique),, inverse, 1) else: unique, counts = np.unique(E, return_counts=True) idx2 = np.flipud(np.argsort(unique)) counts = counts[idx2] unique = unique[idx2] if min(counts) > 1: raise ValueError('Cannot plot nodal lines as no unique eigenvalue') if len(unique) == 3: sign_check = True # all unique so want unique sign if StrictVersion(np.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.10.0'): unique, inverse = np.unique(np.sign(E), return_inverse=True) counts = np.zeros(len(unique),, inverse, 1) else: unique, counts = np.unique(np.sign(E), return_counts=True) idx2 = np.flipud(np.argsort(unique)) counts = counts[idx2] unique = unique[idx2] # sort low -> high idx = np.argsort(unique) unique = unique[idx] counts = counts[idx] # Get the unqiue eigenvalue (and unique sign if possible) E3 = unique[counts == counts.min()][0] if sign_check: # Get eigenvalue with unique sign E3 = E[np.sign(E) == E3] idx = np.nonzero(E == E3)[0][0] # Handle RH coordinate system allocation - convert TNP axes and # eigenvalues to RH system with e3 corresponding to E3 if idx == 0: # T axis is e3 e3 = T E2 = E[2] e2 = P E1 = E[1] e1 = N elif idx == 1: # N axis is e3 e3 = N E2 = E[0] e2 = T E1 = E[2] e1 = P elif idx == 2: # P axis is e3 e3 = P E2 = E[1] e2 = N E1 = E[0] e1 = T # Get nodal lines in eigenvector basis n = 500 X = np.ones((3, n)) az = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n) if min(E) > 0: raise ValueError('Smallest eigenvalue must be less than zero') az = np.array(az).flatten() # Eigenvalue ordering independent - E3 chosen as unique eigenvalue and rotate around that. # P amplitude nodal line (solved from diagonalised P amplitudes) theta = np.arctan( np.sqrt(-E3/(E1*np.cos(az)*np.cos(az)+E2*np.sin(az)*np.sin(az)))) X = np.matrix( [np.cos(az)*np.sin(theta), np.sin(az)*np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]) # Rotate to geographical coordinate bases (NED) R = self._eigenvector_matrix(e1, e2, e3).T # R v = R*np.matrix(X) return np.array(v[0, :]).flatten(), np.array(v[1, :]).flatten(), np.array(v[2, :]).flatten()
[docs] def _axis_lines(self, r): """Plots the axis lines through the origin""" self._line_plot([-r, r], [0, 0], [0, 0], 'k') self._line_plot([0, 0], [-r, r], [0, 0], 'k') if self.dimension < 3: self._line_plot([0, 0], [0, 0], [-r, r], 'k')
[docs] def _boundary_lines(self, r): """ Plots the boundary lines, fault planes, nodal lines and axis lines as selected by the initialisation parameters Args r: float - circle radius (depends on the projection and determined in _background()) """ if self.dimension < 3: circle1 = patches.Circle((0, 0), r, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=10, if self.fault_plane: self._fault_plane(self.MTs, 'k') if self.nodal_line: self._nodal_line(self.MTs, 'k') if self.axis_lines: self._axis_lines(r)
[docs] def _fault_plane(self, MT, c, zorder=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the fault planes for a given moment tensor Args MT: MTData - Moment tensor to plot c: str - color description (see matplotlib documentation) Keyword Args zorder: float - z order for the plane (larger is higher) args: passed through to the plot_plane (and _line_plot) calls so can set e.g. linewidth kwargs: passed through to the plot_plane (and _line_plot) calls so can set e.g. linewidth """ self.plot_plane(MT.strike1, MT.dip1, c, radians=False, zorder=zorder, *args, **kwargs) self.plot_plane(MT.strike2, MT.dip2, c, radians=False, zorder=zorder, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _plot_TNP(self, MT, c=['w', 'k', 'w'], marker=('*', '*', '*'), markersize=10, zorder=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the TNP axes for the given moment tensor Args MT: MTData - Moment tensor to plot Keyword Args c: tuple - color description for T N P axes (see matplotlib documentation) marker: tuple - marker description for T N P axes (see matplotlib documentation) markersize: float - marker width - squared to give marker area zorder: float - z order for the plane (larger is higher) args: passed through to the plot_plane (and _line_plot) calls so can set e.g. linewidth kwargs: passed through to the plot_plane (and _line_plot) calls so can set e.g. linewidth """ name = ['T', 'N', 'P'] for i, vec in enumerate([self.MTs.T, self.MTs.N, self.MTs.P]): vec = vec.copy() if self.dimension < 3: vec = np.append(vec, -vec, 1) y, x = self._projection_fn(vec[0, :], vec[1, :], vec[2, :], lower=self.lower, full_sphere=self.full_sphere) vec[0, :] = x vec[1, :] = y self._scatter_plot(np.array(vec[0, :]).flatten(), np.array(vec[1, :]).flatten(), np.array( vec[2, :]).flatten(), c[i], marker=marker[i], markersize=markersize, zorder=zorder, *args, **kwargs) if self.text: delta = 0.05 self._text(np.array(vec[0, :]).flatten()+delta, np.array(vec[1, :]).flatten()+delta, np.array(vec[2, :]).flatten()+delta, name[i], zorder=zorder+1)
[docs] def _nodal_line(self, MTs, c, zorder=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the nodal line for a given moment tensor Args MT: MTData - Moment tensor to plot c: str - color description (see matplotlib documentation) Keyword Args zorder: float - z order for the line (larger is higher) args: passed through to the _line_plot call so can set e.g. linewidth kwargs: passed through to the _line_plot call so can set e.g. linewidth """ if self.phase.lower() == 'p': if MTs.E.min() < 0: x, y, z = self._get_nodal_line(MTs.T, MTs.N, MTs.P, MTs.E) x1, y1, z1 = self._get_nodal_line(-MTs.T, -MTs.N, -MTs.P, MTs.E) if self.dimension < 3: # switched so north is up and east right y, x = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=self.lower, full_sphere=self.full_sphere) # switched so north is up and east right y1, x1 = self._projection_fn(x1, y1, z1, lower=self.lower, full_sphere=self.full_sphere) self._line_plot(x, y, z, c, '-', 0.75*self.linewidth, zorder=zorder, *args, **kwargs) self._line_plot(x1, y1, z1, c, '-', 0.75*self.linewidth, zorder=zorder, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _background(self, handle): """ Plots the axes background Args handle: handle of the plot object (for surface plots) """ super(_FocalSpherePlot, self)._background(handle) if self.dimension < 3 and self.full_sphere: lim = 2 elif self.dimension < 3: lim = {'equalarea': np.sqrt(2), 'equalangle': 1}[self.projection] else: lim = 1 self._boundary_lines(lim) self._stations(colors=self.station_colors, lim=lim) if self.TNP: self._plot_TNP(self.MTs) lim *= 1.1, lim), lim) if self.dimension > 2:, lim) try: self.fig.patch.set_facecolor('w') except Exception: pass
[docs] def _stations(self, lim=np.sqrt(2), colors=('k', 'w', 'k'), marker=('v', 'o', '^')): """ Plots stations on the focal sphere Keyword Args lim: float - limit of the focal sphere (projection dependent) colors: tuple - tuple of color descriptions for stations with negative, no and positive polarity marker: tuple - tuple of marker descriptions for stations with negative, no and positive polarity """ if self.station_distribution: text = self.text station_markersize = self.station_markersize self.station_markersize = 3 self.text = False self.station_distribution_pdf = self.station_distribution_pdf/self.station_distribution_pdf.max() self.station_distribution_pdf = np.array(np.matrix(np.squeeze(self.station_distribution_pdf))) zeros = 0*self.station_distribution_pdf r = np.append(np.append(0.8*self.station_distribution_pdf+0.2, zeros, 0), zeros, 0).T g = np.append(np.append(zeros, 0.8*self.station_distribution_pdf+0.2, 0), zeros, 0).T b = np.append(np.append(zeros, zeros, 0), 0.8*self.station_distribution_pdf+0.2, 0).T self._plot_stations(marker=('.', '.', '.'), colors=(b, g, r), lim=lim, zorder=self.station_distribution_pdf/self.station_distribution_pdf.max(), **self.station_distribution) self.station_markersize = station_markersize self.text = text if not self.show_stations: return if not len(self.stations): return # no stations # Check polarity probabilities if 'polarity' in self.stations.keys() and not np.all(np.array(self.stations['polarity']).flatten().astype( == np.array(self.stations['polarity']).flatten()): # self.stations['polarity'] are polarity probabilities # Color by value (blue for negative red for positive) # Scale so 0.5 is white scaled_probabilities = np.abs(np.atleast_2d(2*(np.abs(self.stations['polarity'])-0.5))) ones = 0*scaled_probabilities+1 r = np.append(np.append(ones, 0.8*(1-scaled_probabilities)+0.2, 0), 0.8*(1-scaled_probabilities)+0.2, 0).T w = np.append(np.append(ones, ones, 0), ones, 0).T b = np.append(np.append(0.8*(1-scaled_probabilities)+0.2, 0.8*(1-scaled_probabilities)+0.2, 0), ones, 0).T marker = ('o', 'o', 'o') colors = (b, w, r) self._plot_stations(marker=marker, colors=colors, lim=lim, zorder=2, **self.stations)
[docs] def _plot_stations(self, names, azimuth, takeoff_angle, polarity, marker=('v', 'o', '^'), colors=('k', 'w', 'k'), radians=False, lim=np.sqrt(2), zorder=0): """ Handles the station plotting on the focal sphere. If self.text is True then the station names are annotated using radial arrows Args names: list - list of station names azimuth: numpy array - array of station azimuths takeoff_angle: numpy array - array of station takeoff angles polarity: numpy array - array of station polarities Keyword Args radians: bool - flag for station angles in radians [default is False] lim: float - limit of the focal sphere (projection dependent) colors: tuple - tuple of color descriptions for stations with negative, no and positive polarity marker: tuple - tuple of marker descriptions for stations with negative, no and positive polarity """ v = toa_vec(azimuth, takeoff_angle, radians=radians) x = np.squeeze(np.array(v[0, :])) y = np.squeeze(np.array(v[1, :])) z = np.squeeze(np.array(v[2, :])) if self.dimension < 3: if not self.full_sphere: try: if not isinstance(colors[0], str) and np.squeeze(v[0, :]).shape[1] == colors[0].shape[0]: colors = list(colors) colors[0] = np.append(colors[0], colors[0], 0) colors[1] = np.append(colors[1], colors[1], 0) colors[2] = np.append(colors[2], colors[2], 0) except Exception: pass try: x = np.append(x, -x, 1) y = np.append(y, -y, 1) z = np.append(z, -z, 1) except IndexError: x = np.append(x, -x, 0) y = np.append(y, -y, 0) z = np.append(z, -z, 0) # switched so north is up and east right y, x = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=self.lower, full_sphere=self.full_sphere) idx = ~np.isnan(x) if len(names): names = np.array(names) try: names = np.append(names, names, 1) except IndexError: names = np.append(names, names, 0) names = names[idx] z = z[idx] y = y[idx] x = x[idx] # if mapping by zorder, then loop over all zorder values rather than # polarities if marker == ('.', '.', '.') and len(np.squeeze(zorder)) > 1: try: zorder = np.append(zorder, zorder, 1) except IndexError: zorder = np.append(zorder, zorder, 0) if len(idx.shape) > 1: if not isinstance(colors[0], str): col = np.array(colors)[polarity+1, :, :][idx, :] polarity_array = (np.kron(polarity, np.ones((idx.shape[1], 1))).T)[idx] zorder = np.squeeze(np.kron(zorder, np.ones((idx.shape[0], 1)))[idx]) for zo in np.unique(zorder): if not self.show_zero_polarity: self._scatter_plot(x[(zorder == zo)*(polarity_array != 0)], y[(zorder == zo)*(polarity_array != 0)], z[(zorder == zo)*(polarity_array != 0)], col[(zorder == zo)*(polarity_array != 0)], '.', edgecolor=col[(zorder == zo)*(polarity_array != 0)], markersize=self.station_markersize, zorder=zo) else: self._scatter_plot(x[(zorder == zo)], y[(zorder == zo)], z[(zorder == zo)], col[(zorder == zo)], '.', edgecolor=col[(zorder == zo)], markersize=self.station_markersize, zorder=zo) # check polarity probability elif not np.all(np.array(polarity).flatten().astype( == np.array(polarity).flatten()): if self.dimension < 3 and len(polarity): polarity = np.array(polarity) try: polarity = np.append(polarity, polarity, 1) except Exception: polarity = np.append(polarity, polarity, 0) polarity = polarity[idx] for i, pol in enumerate(polarity.flatten()): pol = pol-np.sign(pol)*0.5 if pol < -0.5 or 0 < pol < 0.5: pol = 0 elif 0 > pol > -0.5 or pol > 0.5: pol = 2 else: pol = 1 col = colors[pol] if marker[pol] == '.': self._scatter_plot(x[i], y[i], z[i], np.atleast_2d(col[i]), marker[pol], edgecolor=col[i], markersize=self.station_markersize, zorder=zorder) else: self._scatter_plot(x[i], y[i], z[i], np.atleast_2d(col[i]), marker[pol], edgecolor='k', markersize=self.station_markersize, zorder=zorder) else: if self.dimension < 3 and len(polarity): polarity = np.array(polarity) try: polarity = np.append(polarity, polarity, 1) except Exception: polarity = np.append(polarity, polarity, 0) polarity = polarity[idx] for pol in np.unique(polarity): if pol == 0 and not self.show_zero_polarity: continue col = colors[pol] # polarity polarity_array = polarity if len(idx.shape) > 1: if not isinstance(colors[0], str): col = np.kron(colors[pol], np.ones((idx.shape[0], 1, 1)))[idx, :] polarity_array = (np.kron(polarity, np.ones((idx.shape[1], 1))).T)[idx] if marker[pol] == '.': self._scatter_plot(x[polarity_array == pol], y[polarity_array == pol], z[polarity_array == pol], col, marker[pol], edgecolor=col, markersize=self.station_markersize, zorder=zorder) else: self._scatter_plot(x[polarity_array == pol], y[polarity_array == pol], z[polarity_array == pol], col, marker[pol], edgecolor='k', markersize=self.station_markersize, zorder=zorder) delta = 0.05 if self.text and len(names): # Add radial arrows to the station point for i, name in enumerate(names): # mult=0.55+(0.03*(count%3)) if not self.show_zero_polarity and not polarity[i]: continue if self.dimension < 3: mult = 1.2*lim norm = np.sqrt(x[i]*x[i]+y[i]*y[i]) # Zero polarity for labelling text =, xy=(x[i], y[i]), xycoords='data', xytext=(mult*x[i]/norm, mult*y[i]/norm), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3', lw=1), size=10, ha="center", path_effects=[PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground="w")]) text.arrow_patch.set_path_effects([PathEffects.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground="w"), PathEffects.Normal()]) else: self._text(x[i]+delta, y[i]+delta, z[i]+delta, name)
[docs]class _AmplitudePlot(_FocalSpherePlot): """ Amplitude plotting (beachball) parameter single is set to True, as can only plot one source per axis """ single = True
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): """ Calculate and convert the moment tensor to the amplitude on the focal sphere Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of x,y,z and (scaled) c values """ # convert mts to x,y,z,c phi = np.linspace(0.001, 2*np.pi-0.001, self.resolution) theta = np.linspace(0.001, np.pi-0.001, self.resolution) phi, theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) a = station_angles((np.reshape(phi, (, 1)), np.reshape(theta, (, 1))), self.phase.lower(), radians=True) x = np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi) # North y = np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi) # East z = np.cos(theta) c = np.array(np.reshape(np.matrix(self.MTs.MTs).T*np.matrix(a).T, phi.shape)) return x, y, z, c/np.abs(c).max()
[docs] def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Projects and plots the amplitude surface Returns matplotlib surface object """ if self.dimension < 3: self.ydata, self.xdata = self._projection_fn( self.xdata, self.ydata, self.zdata, lower=self.lower, full_sphere=self.full_sphere) # switched so north is up and east right return self._surf_plot(self.xdata, self.ydata, self.zdata, self.cdata, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _background(self, handle): """Sets the colormap to be symmetrical and plots the axes background. Args handle: handle of the plot object (for surface plots) """ try: data = handle.get_array() vmin = data[~np.isnan(data)].min() vmax = data[~np.isnan(data)].max() clim = max([abs(vmin), abs(vmax)]) handle.set_clim(-clim, clim) except Exception: pass super(_AmplitudePlot, self)._background(handle)
# helper functions (histogram etc)
[docs]class _RadiationPlot(_AmplitudePlot): """Plot the radiation pattern """
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): """Scales the x,y,z coordinates by the amplitude Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of x,y,z and (scaled) c values """ x, y, z, c = super(_RadiationPlot, self)._convert_mts() return x*c, y*c, z*c, c
[docs] def _boundary_lines(self, r): """Only plots the axis lines """ if self.axis_lines: self._axis_lines(r)
[docs] def _stations(self, *args, **kwargs): """Doesn't plot any stations """ return
[docs]class _FaultPlanePlot(_FocalSpherePlot): """Plots the fault plane distribution parameter single is set to False as multiple sources can be plotted per axes """ single = False def __init__(self, subplot_spec, fig, MTs, stations={}, probability=[], phase='p', *args, **kwargs): """ Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args probability: numpy array - moment tensor probabilities phase: str - phase to plot (default='p') lower: bool - project lower hemisphere (ie. downward hemisphere) full_sphere: bool - plot the full sphere fault_plane: bool - plot the fault planes nodal_line: bool - plot the nodal lines stations: dict - station dict containing keys: 'names','azimuth','takeoff_angle' and 'polarity' station_distribution: list - list of station dictionaries corresponding to a location PDF distribution show_zero_polarity: bool - flag to show zero polarity receivers show_stations: bool - flag to show stations when station_distribution present station_markersize: float - station marker size (squared to get area) station_colors: tuple - tuple of colors for negative, no, and positive polarity TNP: bool - show the TNP axes on the plot colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc show_max_likelihood: bool - show the maximum likelihood solution in the default color show_mean: bool - show the mean orientation source in green (thicker plane is better constrained) color: set color for maximum likelihood fault plane (show_max_likelihood) """ super(_FaultPlanePlot, self).__init__(subplot_spec, fig, MTs, stations, phase, *args, **kwargs) self.station_colors = kwargs.get('station_colors', ('w', 'w', 'w')) self.show_max_likelihood = kwargs.get('show_max_likelihood', False) self.show_mean = kwargs.get('show_mean', False) self.color = kwargs.get('color', DEFAULT_COLOR) self.max_number_planes = kwargs.get('max_number_planes', 40000) self.probability_cutoff = kwargs.get('probability_cutoff', 0.01) # Scale probability and sort the MTs if not len(probability): probability = self.MTs.probability if len(probability) > 1: if probability.max() > 1: probability /= probability.max() assert(len(probability) == self.MTs.shape[1]) idx = np.argsort(probability) probability = probability[idx] self.MTs = self.MTs[:, idx] self.MTs._set_probability(probability) if self.probability_cutoff > 0 and len(probability): self.MTs = self.MTs[:, self.MTs.probability > self.probability_cutoff*self.MTs.probability.max()] if self.max_number_planes > 0 and len(self.MTs) > self.max_number_planes: self.MTs = self.MTs[:, np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(self.MTs)), self.max_number_planes, replace=False)] if len(probability) > 1: self.MTs.probability /= self.MTs.probability.max() idx = np.argsort(self.MTs.probability) self.MTs = self.MTs[:, idx]
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): """Returns tuple of None as not used to plot the source""" return None, None, None, None
[docs] def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the fault planes/nodal lines/TNP axes with color scaled by the probability values (if set) Darker colors are more likely """ # plot fault planes scaled by probability if self.fault_plane: for i in range(self.MTs.shape[1]): if len(self.MTs.probability) > 1: probability = self.MTs.probability[i] elif len(self.MTs.probability): probability = self.MTs.probability else: probability = 1 self._fault_plane(self.MTs[:, i], str(1-probability), zorder=float(i)-self.MTs.shape[1], *args, **kwargs) elif self.nodal_line: for i in range(self.MTs.shape[1]): if len(self.MTs.probability) > 1: probability = self.MTs.probability[i] elif len(self.MTs.probability): probability = self.MTs.probability else: probability = 1 self._nodal_line(self.MTs[:, i], str(1-probability), zorder=float(i)-self.MTs.shape[1], *args, **kwargs) if self.TNP: text_flag = self.text self.text = False for i in range(self.MTs.shape[1]): if len(self.MTs.probability) > 1: probability = self.MTs.probability[i] elif len(self.MTs.probability): probability = self.MTs.probability else: probability = 1 self._plot_TNP(self.MTs[:, i], ([0, 0, probability], [0, probability, 0], [probability, 0, 0]), marker=('.', '.', '.'), markersize=2, zorder=float(i)-self.MTs.shape[1], *args, **kwargs) self.text = text_flag if self.show_max_likelihood and len(self.MTs.probability) > 1: if self.fault_plane: self._fault_plane(self.MTs[:, self.MTs.probability == self.MTs.probability.max()], self.color, zorder=1, *args, **kwargs) elif self._nodal_line: self._nodal_line(self.MTs[:, self.MTs.probability == self.MTs.probability.max()], self.color, zorder=1, *args, **kwargs) if self.show_mean and self.fault_plane: kwargs['linewidth'] = 2*kwargs.get('linewidth', self.linewidth) self.plot_plane(self.MTs.mean_strike, self.MTs.mean_dip, 'g', radians=False, zorder=1, *args, **kwargs) strike2, dip2, rake2 = SDR_SDR(self.MTs.mean_strike/rad_deg, self.MTs.mean_dip/rad_deg, self.MTs.mean_rake/rad_deg) kwargs['linewidth'] = 0.25*kwargs.get('linewidth', self.linewidth) self.plot_plane(strike2*rad_deg, dip2*rad_deg, 'g', zorder=1, radians=False, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _background(self, handle): """ Plots the background (ignoring fault planes, nodal lines and TNP axes) Args handle: handle of the plot object (for surface plots) """ fp = self.fault_plane nl = self.nodal_line TNP = self.TNP self.fault_plane = False self.TNP = False self.nodal_line = False super(_FaultPlanePlot, self)._background(handle) self.fault_plane = fp self.TNP = TNP self.nodal_line = nl
class _HistPlot(_BasePlot): """ Base histogram plot class Used by plot classes which histogram the data """ def __init__(self, subplot_spec, fig, MTs, probability=[], **kwargs): """ Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args probability: numpy array - moment tensor probabilities colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc grid_lines: bool - show the interior grid lines marginalised: bool - marginalise the PDF (defailt is True) color: set marker color type_label: bool - show the label of the different types hex_bin: bool - use the hex-bin histogram type (slightly smoother) bins: int/array/list of arrays - bins for numpy histogram call """ kwargs['colormap'] = kwargs.get('colormap', DEFAULT_HIST_COLORMAP) super(_HistPlot, self).__init__(subplot_spec, fig, MTs, **kwargs) self.grid_lines = kwargs.get('grid_lines', True) self.marginalised = kwargs.get('marginalised', True) self.color = kwargs.get('color', DEFAULT_COLOR) self.type_label = bool(kwargs.get('type_label', True)) self.hex_bin = bool(kwargs.get('hex_bin', True)) self.bins = bool(kwargs.get('bins', 10)) if len(probability) > 1: if probability.max() > 1: probability /= probability.max() self.MTs._set_probability(probability) def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Main plotting function Plots the axis """ if type(self.data_y) != bool: return self._2d_hist(self.data_x, self.data_y, self.data_c, *args, **kwargs) else: return self._hist(self.data_x, self.data_c, *args, **kwargs) def _hist(self, data, c=None, bins=10, **kwargs): """ 1D histogram Args data: numpy array - data to bin Keyword Args bins: int - number of bins to use c: numpy array - weights to use for each sample in the histogram Returns matplotlib histogram object """ # bins can be a range- arguments are passed to plt.hist if c is not None: kwargs['weights'] = c if bins is not None and len(bins) == 0: bins = None return, bins, **kwargs) def _max_2d_for_hist(self, data_x, data_y, c, bins): """ Get Max value for 2d hist (silhouette type plot rather than marginalised (see Pugh, D J, 2015. Bayesian Source Inversion of Microseismic Events, Thesis)) Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of numpy arrays describing the silhouette coordinates and maximum probability values for each point. """ # Check bins # Get max values xbins = bins[0] ybins = bins[1] xindices = np.digitize(data_x, xbins) yindices = np.digitize(data_y, ybins) coords = np.array([xindices, yindices]) inds = unique_columns(coords) c2 = np.empty(inds.shape[1]) reduced_data_x = np.empty(inds.shape[1]) reduced_data_y = np.empty(inds.shape[1]) for i in range(inds.shape[1]): c2[i] = (c[(coords[0, :] == inds[0, i])*(coords[1, :] == inds[1, i])]).max() reduced_data_x[i] = data_x[(coords[0, :] == inds[0, i])*(coords[1, :] == inds[1, i])*(c == c2[i])][0] reduced_data_y[i] = data_y[(coords[0, :] == inds[0, i])*(coords[1, :] == inds[1, i])*(c == c2[i])][0] return reduced_data_x.flatten(), reduced_data_y.flatten(), c2 def _2d_hist(self, data_x, data_y, c=None, bins=10, nx_hex=100, hex_extent=[-1, 1, -1, 1], **kwargs): """ 2D histogram Args data_x: numpy array - x data to bin data_y: numpy array - y data to bin Keyword Args bins: int - number of bins to use c: numpy array - weights to use for each sample in the histogram nx_hex: number of hexes to use when hex_bin is True hex_extent: minimum extent of the hexagon region hex_bin: use the matplotlib hexbin function to histogram (2D only) Returns matplotlib histogram/hexbin object """ if kwargs.get('hex_bin', self.hex_bin) and self.dimension < 3: hex_extent[0] = min([min(data_x), hex_extent[0]]) hex_extent[1] = max([max(data_x), hex_extent[1]]) hex_extent[2] = min([min(data_y), hex_extent[2]]) hex_extent[3] = max([max(data_y), hex_extent[3]]) if self.marginalised: reduce_C_function = np.sum else: reduce_C_function = np.max return, data_y, c, gridsize=nx_hex, extent=hex_extent, cmap=self.colormap, reduce_C_function=reduce_C_function, **kwargs) else: if c is not None: if not self.marginalised: N, xedge, yedge = np.histogram2d(data_x, data_y, bins=bins, **kwargs) bins = (xedge, yedge) data_x, data_y, c = self._max_2d_for_hist(data_x, data_y, c, bins) kwargs['weights'] = c N, xedge, yedge = np.histogram2d(data_x, data_y, bins=bins, **kwargs) try: kwargs.pop('weights') except Exception: pass # Transpose due to variation between array dimensions ([y,x]) and # plot [x,y] N = N.T N[N == 0] = np.nan return self._surf_plot(xedge, yedge, 0, N, **kwargs) def _background(self, handle): """ Plots the axes background Args handle: handle of the plot object (for surface plots) """ super(_HistPlot, self)._background(self) try: data = handle.get_array() vmin = min([data[~np.isnan(data)].min(), 0]) vmax = data[~np.isnan(data)].max() handle.set_clim(vmin, vmax) except Exception: pass try: self.fig.patch.set_facecolor('w') except Exception: pass
[docs]class _LunePlot(_FocalSpherePlot, _HistPlot): """ Plots the source on the fundamental eigenvalue lune Can be either a histogram or scatter plot. parameter single is set to False as multiple sources can be plotted per axes """ single = False
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): """ Converts the moment tensors for plotting Returns numpy array, numpy array, 0, numpy array: tuple of gamma,delta,0,probability values """ return self.MTs.gamma.copy(),, 0, self.MTs.probability
[docs] def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the sources on the lune (as a 2D histogram of the PDF if the probability values are set) Returns matplotlib scatter/2dhist object """ if len(self.MTs.probability): kwargs['bins'] = kwargs.get('bins', [np.linspace(-np.pi/6, np.pi/6, 34), np.arccos(np.linspace(1, -1, 101))]) try: kwargs['bins'] = [np.linspace(-np.pi/6, np.pi/6, kwargs['bins']/3), np.arccos(np.linspace(1, -1, kwargs['bins']))] except Exception: pass return self._2d_hist(self.xdata, self.ydata, self.cdata, *args, **kwargs) else: kwargs['color'] = kwargs.get('color', self.color) color = kwargs.pop('color') # project to vectors x, y, z = self._lune_coords(self.xdata, self.ydata) if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, False, False) return self._scatter_plot(x, y, z, color, marker='o', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _lune_coords(self, gamma, delta): """ Calculates the lune coordinates for a given gamma and delta values Args gamma: numpy array/float - gamma values delta: numpy array/float - delta values Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of x, y and z coordinates """ beta = np.pi/2-delta if not isinstance(gamma, np.ndarray): gamma = np.array(gamma) if not isinstance(beta, np.ndarray): beta = np.array(beta) oshape = gamma.shape try: gamma = np.reshape(gamma, except Exception: pass try: beta = np.reshape(beta, except Exception: pass if self.dimension < 3: R = np.matrix([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0]]) X = np.matrix([np.cos(gamma)*np.sin(beta), np.sin(gamma)*np.sin(beta), np.cos(beta)]) if X.shape[0] != 3: X = X.T vec = R*X x = vec[0, :] y = vec[1, :] z = vec[2, :] else: x = (np.cos(gamma)*np.sin(beta)) y = (np.sin(gamma)*np.sin(beta)) z = (np.cos(beta)) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) z = np.array(z) if 1 in gamma.shape or len(gamma.shape) <= 1: x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() z = z.flatten() try: x = np.reshape(x, oshape) except Exception: pass try: y = np.reshape(y, oshape) except Exception: pass try: z = np.reshape(z, oshape) except Exception: pass return x, y, z
[docs] def _2d_hist(self, data_g, data_d, c=None, bins=10, nx_hex=100, hex_extent=[-0.5, 0.5, -1.5, 1.5], **kwargs): """ 2D histogram - handles gamma delta conversion and plotting Args data_g: numpy array - g data to bin data_d: numpy array - d data to bin Keyword Args bins: int - number of bins to use c: numpy array - weights to use for each sample in the histogram nx_hex: number of hexes to use when hex_bin is True hex_extent: minimum extent of the hexagon region hex_bin: use the matplotlib hexbin function to histogram (2D only) Returns matplotlib histogram/hexbin object """ if kwargs.get('hex_bin', self.hex_bin) and self.dimension < 3: kwargs['zorder'] = kwargs.get('zorder', 100) data_x, data_y = self._projection_fn(*self._lune_coords(data_g, data_d), lower=False, full_sphere=False) hex_extent[0] = min([min(data_x), hex_extent[0]]) hex_extent[1] = max([max(data_x), hex_extent[1]]) hex_extent[2] = min([min(data_y), hex_extent[2]]) hex_extent[3] = max([max(data_y), hex_extent[3]]) if self.marginalised: reduce_C_function = np.sum else: reduce_C_function = np.max artist =, np.array(data_y).flatten(), c, gridsize=nx_hex, extent=hex_extent, cmap=self.colormap, reduce_C_function=reduce_C_function, **kwargs) artist.set_zorder(kwargs.get('zorder', 100)) return artist else: data_b = np.pi/2-data_d if c is not None: if not self.marginalised: N, gedge, bedge = np.histogram2d(data_g, data_b, bins=bins, **kwargs) bins = (gedge, bedge) data_g, data_b, c = self._max_2d_for_hist(data_g, data_b, c, bins) kwargs['weights'] = c N, gedge, bedge = np.histogram2d(data_g, data_b, bins=bins, **kwargs) kwargs.pop('weights') g, b = np.meshgrid(gedge, bedge) [x, y, z] = self._lune_coords(g, np.pi/2-b) if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=False, full_sphere=False) # Transpose due to variation between array dimensions ([y,x]) and # plot [x,y] N = N.T N[N == 0] = np.nan return self._surf_plot(x, y, z, N, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_small_circle(self, pole, alpha, az=(0, 2*np.pi)): """ Get and convert a small circle onto the Lune Args pole: numpy matrix - pole of the small circle alpha: float - angle of the small circle from the pole Keyword Args az: tuple - lower and upper limits of the azimuth to calculate for the small circle Returns numpy array, numpy array, numpy array: tuple of coordinates (x,y,z) """ x, y, z = super(_LunePlot, self)._get_small_circle(pole, alpha, az) if self.dimension < 3: R = np.matrix([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0]]) X = np.matrix([np.array(x).flatten(), np.array(y).flatten(), np.array(z).flatten()]) if X.shape[0] != 3: X = X.T vec = R*X x = vec[0, :] y = vec[1, :] z = vec[2, :] return x, y, z
[docs] def _boundary_lines(self, *args): """ Get and plot boundary lines Also plots type labels if type_label flag set on initialisation """ # Exterior lines [x, y, z] = self._get_great_circle(self._lune_coords(0, np.pi/2), self._lune_coords(np.pi/6, 0)) ind = np.abs(np.arctan2(y, x)) < np.pi/2 x = x[ind] y = y[ind] z = z[ind] if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, False, False) if len(self.MTs.probability): x1 = np.append(x, np.array([0, 1, 1, 0])) y1 = np.append(y, np.array([-1.5, -1.5, 1.5, 1.5])) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([x1, y1]).T, closed=False, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=1) p.set_zorder(1) self._line_plot(x, y, z, 'k', zorder=101) [x, y, z] = self._get_great_circle(self._lune_coords(0, np.pi/2), self._lune_coords(-np.pi/6, 0)) ind = np.abs(np.arctan2(y, x)) > np.pi/2 x = x[ind] y = y[ind] z = z[ind] if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, False, False) if len(self.MTs.probability): x1 = np.append(x, np.array([0, -1, -1, 0])) y1 = np.append(y, np.array([-1.5, -1.5, 1.5, 1.5])) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([x1, y1]).T, closed=False, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=1) p.set_zorder(1) self._line_plot(x, y, z, 'k', zorder=101) # Interior lines grey = '0.6' if self.grid_lines: n = 10 for i in range(n): x, y, z = self._get_small_circle(np.matrix([0, 0, 1]).T, (i+1)*np.pi/(n+2), [-np.pi/6, np.pi/6]) ls = '--' if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=False, full_sphere=True) if float(i+1)/(n+2) == 0.5: ls = '-' self._line_plot(x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten(), grey, ls, zorder=-5) for i in range(5): theta = -3*np.pi/18+(i+1)*np.pi/18 [x, y, z] = self._get_great_circle(self._lune_coords(0, np.pi/2), self._lune_coords(theta, 0)) ls = '--' zorder = -5 if theta < 0: ind = np.abs(np.arctan2(y, x)) < np.pi/2 else: ind = np.abs(np.arctan2(y, x)) >= np.pi/2 if theta == 0: ls = '-' zorder = -4 x = x[ind] y = y[ind] z = z[ind] if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=True, full_sphere=False) ind = np.argsort(y) x = x[ind] y = y[ind] self._line_plot(x, y, z, c=grey, linestyle=ls, zorder=zorder) if self.type_label: for label, coord, ha, va in [('CLVD', [2, -1, -1], 'right', 'center'), ('CLVD', [-2, 1, 1], 'left', 'center'), ('Explosion', [1, 1, 1], 'center', 'bottom'), ('Implosion', [-1, -1, -1], 'center', 'top'), ('DC', [1, 0, -1], 'center', 'bottom'), (r'TC$_+$', [3, 1, 1], 'right', 'bottom'), (r'TC$_-$', [-3, -1, -1], 'left', 'top')]: coord.append(0) coord.append(0) coord.append(0) mt = MTData(coord) delta = 0.06 x, y, z = self._lune_coords(mt.gamma, if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=False, full_sphere=True) if ha == 'right': x -= delta elif ha == 'left': x += delta if va == 'top': y -= delta elif va == 'bottom': y += delta self._text(x, y, z, text=label, horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va, fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=10001)
# Pass through functions
[docs] def _stations(self, *args, **kwargs): """Pass-through function - nothing plotted""" pass
[docs] def _plot_TNP(self, *args, **kwargs): """Pass-through function - nothing plotted""" pass
[docs] def _nodal_line(self, *args, **kwargs): """Pass-through function - nothing plotted""" pass
[docs]class _HudsonPlot(_HistPlot): """ Hudson plot class Plots the source on the u-v or tau-k Hudson plot """ def __init__(self, subplot_spec, fig, MTs, projection='uv', probability=[], **kwargs): """ Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args projection: str - select the projection type from uv or tauk [default is uv] probability: numpy array - moment tensor probabilities colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc grid_lines: bool - show the interior grid lines marginalised: bool - marginalise the PDF (defailt is True) color: set marker color type_label: bool - show the label of the different types hex_bin: bool - use the hex-bin histogram type (slightly smoother) bins: int/array/list of arrays - bins for numpy histogram call """ super(_HudsonPlot, self).__init__(subplot_spec, fig, MTs, probability, **kwargs) self.xy = {'uv': ('u', 'v'), 'tauk': ('tau', 'k'), 'tk': ('tau', 'k'), 'equalarea': ('u', 'v')}[projection]
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): """ Converts the moment tensors to the chosen source parameters Returns numpy array, numpy array, 0, numpy array: tuple of hudson parameters, 0 and probability """ return getattr(self.MTs, self.xy[0]).copy(), getattr(self.MTs, self.xy[1]).copy(), 0, self.MTs.probability
[docs] def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the sources on the hudson plot (as a 2D histogram of the PDF if the probability values are set) Returns matplotlib scatter/2dhist object """ self.dimension = 2 if len(self.MTs.probability): kwargs['bins'] = kwargs.get('bins', np.linspace(-4./3, 4./3, 100)) try: kwargs['bins'] = np.linspace(-4./3, 4./3, kwargs['bins']) except Exception: pass return self._2d_hist(self.xdata, self.ydata, self.cdata, *args, **kwargs) else: kwargs['color'] = kwargs.get('color', self.color) color = kwargs.pop('color') return self._scatter_plot(self.xdata, self.ydata, self.zdata, color, marker='o', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _background(self, handle): """ Sets limits and plots the axes background Args matplotlib surface object """ if self.xy == ('u', 'v'): xlim = 4./3. ylim = 1 else: xlim = 1 ylim = 1 self._boundary_lines() xlim *= 1.1 ylim *= 1.1, xlim), ylim) super(_HudsonPlot, self)._background(handle)
[docs] def _boundary_lines(self, *args): """ Get and plot boundary lines Also plots type labels if type_label flag set on initialisation """ # Outer lines # Axis lines # Grid lines if self.xy == ('u', 'v'): return self._uv_boundary_lines() else: return self._tk_boundary_lines()
[docs] def _uv_boundary_lines(self): """ Get and plot boundary lines for the u-v plot Also plots type labels if type_label flag set on initialisation """ # outer patches if len(self.MTs.probability): p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, 1.5, 1.5, 4/3.], [-1, -1.5, -1.5, 1/3., 1/3.]]).T, closed=False, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, 1.5, 1.5, 4/3.], [1, 1.5, 1.5, 1/3., 1/3.]]).T, closed=False, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, -1.5, -1.5, -4/3.], [1, 1.5, 1.5, -1/3., -1/3.]]).T, closed=False, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, -1.5, -1.5, -4/3.], [-1, -1.5, -1.5, -1/3., -1/3.]]).T, closed=False, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) s = 0.5 # outer lines if self.axis_lines: self._line_plot(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([-1, 1]), 0, c='k', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-1) self._line_plot(np.array([-1, 1]), np.array([0, 0]), 0, c='k', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-1) self._line_plot(np.array([0, 4/3.]), np.array([-1, 1/3.]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) self._line_plot(np.array([0, -4/3.]), np.array([-1, -1/3.]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) self._line_plot(np.array([-4/3., 0]), np.array([-1/3., 1]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) self._line_plot(np.array([0, 4/3.]), np.array([1, 1/3.]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) grey = '0.6' if self.grid_lines: # diagonal line self._line_plot(np.array([-4/3., 4/3.]), np.array([-1/3., 1/3.]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) n = 4 for i in range(n): T = float(i*(1./(n))) k = float(i*(1./(n))) # second/fourth quadrant have k=v self._line_plot(np.array([0, (1-(k))]), np.array([-k, -k]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) self._line_plot(np.array([0, -(1-(k))]), np.array([k, k]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) self._line_plot(np.array([0, -(T)]), np.array([1, 0]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) self._line_plot(np.array([0, (T)]), np.array([-1, 0]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) # first quadrant # A self._line_plot(np.array([0, 4.*T/(4.-T)]), np.array([1, T/(4.-T)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) if i <= np.floor(n/4.): self._line_plot(np.array([0, 4.*k/(1-2*k)]), np.array([k, k/(1-2.*k)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) else: self._line_plot(np.array([0, 2*(1-k)/(1+k)]), np.array([k, 2.*k/(1+k)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) # B self._line_plot(np.array([T, T/(1-0.25*T)]), np.array([0, T/(4.-T)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) # third quadrant # A self._line_plot(np.array([0, -4.*T/(4.-T)]), np.array([-1, -T/(4.-T)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) if i <= np.floor(n/4.): self._line_plot(np.array([0, -4*k/(1-2*k)]), np.array([-k, -k/(1-2*k)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) else: self._line_plot(np.array([0, -2.*(1-k)/(1+k)]), np.array([-k, -2.*k/(1+k)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) # B self._line_plot(np.array([-T, -T/(1-0.25*T)]), np.array([0, -T/(4.-T)]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) # extra k lines in B part of first and third quadrant # self._line_plot(np.array([0.5,1.125]),np.array([0.125,0.125]),0,c=grey,linestyle='--',linewidth=s*self.linewidth) # self._line_plot(np.array([-0.5,-1.125]),np.array([-0.125,-0.125]),0,c=grey,linestyle='--',linewidth=s*self.linewidth) if self.type_label: self._text(-1.05, 0, 0.5, 'CLVD ', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(1.05, 0, 0.5, ' CLVD', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0, 1.05, 0.5, 'Explosion', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0, -1.05, 0.5, 'Implosion', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0, 0, 0.5, 'DC', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(-0.4444, 0.5556, 0.5, r'TC$_+$', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0.4444, -0.5556, 0.5, r'TC$_-$', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101)
[docs] def _tk_boundary_lines(self): """Get and plot boundary lines for the tau-k plot Also plots type labels if type_label flag set on initialisation """ p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, 1.5, 1.5, 1], [-1, -1.5, -1.5, 0, 0]]).T, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, 1.5, 1.5, 1], [1, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0]]).T, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, -1.5, -1.5, -1], [1, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0]]).T, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([[0, 0, -1.5, -1.5, -1], [-1, -1.5, -1.5, 0, 0]]).T, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', zorder=100) s = 0.5 if self.axis_lines: self._line_plot(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([-1, 1]), 0, c='k', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-1) self._line_plot(np.array([-1, 1]), np.array([0, 0]), 0, c='k', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-1) self._line_plot(np.array([0, 1]), np.array([-1, 0]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) self._line_plot(np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 0]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) self._line_plot(np.array([0, -1]), np.array([1, 0]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) self._line_plot(np.array([0, -1]), np.array([-1, 0]), 0, c='k', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=101) grey = '0.6' if self.grid_lines: n = 4 d = float(1)/n for i in range(n): i = float(i) self._line_plot(np.array([0, i*d]), np.array([-1, 0]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) self._line_plot(np.array([0, i*-d]), np.array([-1, 0]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) self._line_plot(np.array([0, i*d]), np.array([1, 0]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) self._line_plot(np.array([0, i*-d]), np.array([1, 0]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) self._line_plot(np.array([-0.8, 0.8]), np.array([-0.2, 0.2]), 0, c=grey, linestyle='--', linewidth=s*self.linewidth, zorder=-2) if self.type_label: self._text(-1.0, 0, 0.5, 'CLVD ', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(1.0, 0, 0.5, ' CLVD', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0, 1.05, 0.5, 'Explosion', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0, -1.05, 0.5, 'Implosion', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0, 0, 0.5, 'DC', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(-0.4444, 0.5556, 0.5, r'TC$_+$', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101) self._text(0.4444, -0.5556, 0.5, r'TC$_-$', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize=self.fontsize, color='k', zorder=101)
[docs]class _RiedeselJordanPlot(_FocalSpherePlot): """Plots the source as a Riedesel-Jordan type plot""" def __init__(self, subplot_spec, fig, MTs, *args, **kwargs): """ Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args phase: str - phase to plot (default='p') lower: bool - project lower hemisphere (ie. downward hemisphere) full_sphere: bool - plot the full sphere fault_plane: bool - plot the fault planes nodal_line: bool - plot the nodal lines show_stations: bool - flag to show stations when station_distribution present station_markersize: float - sets the source type marker sizes (squared to get area) station_colors: tuple - tuple of colors for negative, no, and positive polarity TNP: bool - show the TNP axes on the plot colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using color: str - matplotlib color for source region fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc """ super(_RiedeselJordanPlot, self).__init__(subplot_spec, fig, MTs, *args, **kwargs) self.color = kwargs.get('color', DEFAULT_COLOR)
[docs] def _convert_mts(self): """ Converts the moment tensor and calculates the base vectors Returns tuple of None. """ # if self.show_amplitude: # pass E = self.MTs.E T = np.array(self.MTs.T) N = np.array(self.MTs.N) P = np.array(self.MTs.P) = E[0][0]*T+E[1][0]*N+E[2][0]*P = /= np.sqrt(* self.dc = (T-P)/np.sqrt(2) self.clvd1 = (0.5*T+0.5*N-P)/np.sqrt(3./2) self.clvd2 = (T-0.5*N-0.5*P)/np.sqrt(3./2) self.iso = (T+N+P)/np.sqrt(3) return None, None, None, None
[docs] def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the sources on the Riedesel-Jordan plot (on the focal sphere) Returns None """ kwargs['color'] = kwargs.get('color', 'k') color = kwargs.pop('color') i = 0 kwargs['markersize'] = kwargs.get( 'markersize', self.station_markersize) markersize_kw = kwargs.pop('markersize') delta = 0.04 for attr, marker in [('mt', 'o'), ('dc', 'v'), ('clvd1', 'v'), ('clvd2', 'v'), ('iso', 'v')]: x = getattr(self, attr)[0] y = getattr(self, attr)[1] z = getattr(self, attr)[2] if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn( x, y, z, lower=True, full_sphere=False, back_project=True) c = color markersize = markersize_kw # Raising Deprecation Warning if (isinstance(attr, str) and attr != 'mt') and np.all( == getattr(self, attr)): c = 'w' markersize = markersize_kw/2 self._scatter_plot( x, y, z, c=c, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, zorder=i, **kwargs) if self.text: x = x+delta z = z+delta if attr == 'mt': y = y-2*delta else: y = y+delta self._text(x, y, z, attr, zorder=6+i) i += 1 kwargs['markersize'] = markersize_kw
[docs] def _background(self, *args): """Plot the axes background ignoring the fault plane, TNP and nodal line flags""" fp = self.fault_plane nl = self.nodal_line TNP = self.TNP self.fault_plane = False self.TNP = False self.nodal_line = False super(_RiedeselJordanPlot, self)._background(*args) self.fault_plane = fp self.TNP = TNP self.nodal_line = nl
[docs] def _stations(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs] def _boundary_lines(self, r): """ Plots the boundary lines, and the valid source region with color set by the color flag. Args r: float - circle radius (depends on the projection and determined in _background()) """ # Great circle proj_dc_x, proj_dc_y = self._projection_fn(self.dc[0], self.dc[1], self.dc[2], lower=True, full_sphere=False, back_project=True) lower_flag = False upper_flag = False for i, clvd in enumerate([self.clvd1, self.clvd2]): [x, y, z] = self._get_great_circle(self.iso, clvd) if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=True, full_sphere=False, back_project=False) # Find nearest match to dc x idx_nan = ~np.isnan(x) x = x[idx_nan] y = y[idx_nan] z = z[idx_nan] if (y != x).any(): theta = np.arctan2(y, x) pos = theta[theta > 0] neg = theta[theta < 0] if len(neg) and len(pos) and not (np.abs(neg).min() < np.pi/6 and np.abs(pos).min() < np.pi/6): theta = np.mod(theta, 2*np.pi) idx2 = np.argsort(theta) else: # Straight line so sort by r and sign # biggest to smallest idx2 = np.flipud(np.argsort((y**2+x**2)*np.sign(np.arctan2(y, x)))) x = x[idx2] y = y[idx2] z = z[idx2] idx = [np.abs(x-proj_dc_x[0]) == (np.abs(x-proj_dc_x[0])).min()] if x.min() > proj_dc_x[0] or y[idx] < proj_dc_y: if lower_flag and x.min() > proj_dc_x[0]: upper = [x.copy(), y.copy(), z.copy()] elif lower_flag: # TODO check this path # upper = lower[:] lower = [x.copy(), y.copy(), z.copy()] else: lower = [x.copy(), y.copy(), z.copy()] lower_flag = True else: if upper_flag and x.min() > proj_dc_x[0]: # TODO - check this path # lower = upper[:] upper = [x.copy(), y.copy(), z.copy()] elif upper_flag: lower = [x.copy(), y.copy(), z.copy()] else: upper = [x.copy(), y.copy(), z.copy()] upper_flag = True self._line_plot(x, y, z, c=self.color, linestyle='-', linewidth=self.linewidth, zorder=-1) # Check here for lower upper # Add deviatoric circle [x, y, z] = self._get_great_circle(self.dc, self.clvd1, n=100) costheta = x*self.dc[0]+y*self.dc[1]+z*self.dc[2] costheta0 = self.clvd1[0]*self.dc[0]+self.clvd1[1]*self.dc[1]+self.clvd1[2]*self.dc[2] x[np.abs(costheta) < costheta0] = np.nan y[np.abs(costheta) < costheta0] = np.nan z[np.abs(costheta) < costheta0] = np.nan if self.dimension < 3: x, y = self._projection_fn(x, y, z, lower=True, full_sphere=False, back_project=True) # Scatter to allow for non continuous line self._scatter_plot(x, y, z, c='k', marker='.', markersize=1, zorder=-1) # Get fill area if self.dimension < 3: # Check points (and reverse if necessary) dc_iso_gc_x, dc_iso_gc_y, dc_iso_gc_z = self._get_great_circle( self.dc, self.iso) proj_dc_iso_gc_x, proj_dc_iso_gc_y = self._projection_fn( dc_iso_gc_x, dc_iso_gc_y, dc_iso_gc_z, lower=True, full_sphere=False) idx_nan = ~np.isnan(proj_dc_iso_gc_x) proj_dc_iso_gc_x = proj_dc_iso_gc_x[idx_nan] proj_dc_iso_gc_y = proj_dc_iso_gc_y[idx_nan] if (proj_dc_iso_gc_y != proj_dc_iso_gc_x).any(): theta = np.arctan2(proj_dc_iso_gc_y, proj_dc_iso_gc_x) pos = theta[theta > 0] neg = theta[theta < 0] if len(neg) and len(pos) and (np.abs(neg).min() > np.pi/6 or np.abs(pos).min() > np.pi/6): theta = np.mod(theta, 2*np.pi) idx2 = np.argsort(theta) else: idx2 = np.flipud(np.argsort((proj_dc_iso_gc_y**2+proj_dc_iso_gc_x**2)*np.sign( np.arctan2(proj_dc_iso_gc_y, proj_dc_iso_gc_x)))) # biggest to smallest proj_dc_iso_gc_x = proj_dc_iso_gc_x[idx2] proj_dc_iso_gc_y = proj_dc_iso_gc_y[idx2] phi_dc_iso = np.arctan2(proj_dc_iso_gc_y[-1], proj_dc_iso_gc_x[-1]) phi_iso_dc = np.arctan2(proj_dc_iso_gc_y[0], proj_dc_iso_gc_x[0]) phi_dc_l0 = np.arctan2(lower[1][0], lower[0][0]) phi_dc_l1 = np.arctan2(lower[1][-1], lower[0][-1]) phi_dc_u0 = np.arctan2(upper[1][0], upper[0][0]) phi_dc_u1 = np.arctan2(upper[1][-1], upper[0][-1]) if not ((phi_dc_u0 >= phi_dc_iso >= phi_dc_l0 and not phi_dc_u0 >= phi_iso_dc >= phi_dc_l0) or (phi_dc_u0 <= phi_dc_iso <= phi_dc_l0 and not phi_dc_u0 <= phi_iso_dc <= phi_dc_l0) or (phi_dc_u0 >= phi_iso_dc >= phi_dc_l0 and not phi_dc_u0 >= phi_dc_iso >= phi_dc_l0) or (phi_dc_u0 <= phi_iso_dc <= phi_dc_l0 and not phi_dc_u0 <= phi_dc_iso <= phi_dc_l0)): upper = [np.flipud(u) for u in upper] # Arbitrarily reverse upper u1 = phi_dc_u1 phi_dc_u1 = phi_dc_u0 phi_dc_u0 = u1 if (phi_dc_u0 >= phi_dc_iso >= phi_dc_l0) or (phi_dc_u0 >= phi_iso_dc >= phi_dc_l0): phi1 = np.linspace(phi_dc_l0, phi_dc_u0, 100) phi2 = np.linspace(phi_dc_l1, phi_dc_u1, 100) # if (phi_dc_u0<=phi_dc_iso<=phi_dc_l0) or # (phi_dc_u0<=phi_iso_dc<=phi_dc_l0): else: if phi_dc_u0*phi_dc_l0 < 0: phi_dc_l0 = np.mod(phi_dc_l0, 2*np.pi) if phi_dc_u1*phi_dc_l1 < 0: phi_dc_l1 = np.mod(phi_dc_l1, 2*np.pi) phi1 = np.linspace(phi_dc_u0, phi_dc_l0, 100) phi2 = np.linspace(phi_dc_u1, phi_dc_l1, 100) edge1 = (r*np.cos(phi1), r*np.sin(phi1), np.zeros(100)) edge2 = (r*np.cos(phi2), r*np.sin(phi2), np.zeros(100)) for i in range(len(lower)): if (phi_dc_u0 >= phi_dc_iso >= phi_dc_l0) or (phi_dc_u0 >= phi_iso_dc >= phi_dc_l0): upper[i] = np.append(edge1[i], upper[i]) lower[i] = np.append(lower[i], edge2[i]) else: lower[i] = np.append(edge1[i], lower[i]) upper[i] = np.append(upper[i], edge2[i]) x = np.append(lower[0], np.flipud(upper[0])) y = np.append(lower[1], np.flipud(upper[1])) z = np.append(lower[2], np.flipud(upper[2])) p = patches.Polygon(np.array([x, y]).T, facecolor=self.color, edgecolor=None, alpha=0.7, zorder=-100, closed=True) super(_RiedeselJordanPlot, self)._boundary_lines(r)
class _ParameterHistPlot(_HistPlot): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args probability: numpy array - moment tensor probabilities colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc grid_lines: bool - show the interior grid lines marginalised: bool - marginalise the PDF (defailt is True) color: set marker color type_label: bool - show the label of the different types hex_bin: bool - use the hex-bin histogram type (slightly smoother) bins: int/array/list of arrays - bins for numpy histogram call parameter: str/tuple parameters to plot. """ super(_ParameterHistPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Check parameters self.parameter = kwargs.get('parameter', 'gamma') if not isinstance(self.parameter, (list, tuple)): self.dimension = 1 elif len(self.parameter) == 1: self.dimension = 1 self.parameter = self.parameter[0] else: self.dimension = 2 self.parameter_limits = {'gamma': (-np.pi/6, np.pi/6), 'delta': (-np.pi/2, np.pi/2), 'kappa': (0, 2*np.pi), 'h': (0, 1), 'sigma': (-np.pi/2, np.pi/2), 'strike': (0, 360), 'dip': (0, 90), 'rake': (0, 360), 'strike1': (0, 360), 'dip1': (0, 90), 'rake1': (0, 360), 'strike2': (0, 360), 'dip2': (0, 90), 'rake2': (0, 360), 'u': (-4/3., 4/3.)} def _ax_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Main plotting function Plots the axis """ # Set up bins and hex_extent if self.dimension > 1: hex_extent = [-1, 1, -1, 1] hex_extent = kwargs.get('hex_extent', hex_extent) hex_extent[0] = min([min(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[0]]), hex_extent[0]]) hex_extent[1] = max([max(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[0]]), hex_extent[1]]) hex_extent[2] = min([min(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[1]]), hex_extent[2]]) hex_extent[3] = max([max(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[1]]), hex_extent[3]]) kwargs['hex_extent'] = hex_extent # Bins n0 = np.diff(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[0]]) n1 = np.diff(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[1]]) if n0 > n1: r = float(n1)/n0 n0 = 100 n1 = n0*r else: r = float(n0)/n1 n1 = 100 n0 = n1*r kwargs['bins'] = kwargs.get('bins', [np.linspace(*self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[0]], num=n0), np.linspace(*self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[1]], num=n1)]) try: n0 = np.diff(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[0]]) n1 = np.diff(self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[1]]) if n0 > n1: r = float(n1)/n0 n0 = kwargs['bins'] n1 = n0*r else: r = float(n0)/n1 n1 = kwargs['bins'] n0 = n1*r kwargs['bins'] = [np.linspace(*self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[0]], num=n0), np.linspace(*self.parameter_limits[self.parameter[1]], num=n1)] except Exception: pass else: kwargs['bins'] = kwargs.get('bins', np.linspace(*self.parameter_limits[self.parameter], num=100)[0]) try: kwargs['bins'] = np.linspace(*self.parameter_limits[self.parameter], num=kwargs['bins']) except Exception: pass return super(_ParameterHistPlot, self)._ax_plot(*args, **kwargs) def _convert(self): """Handles MT conversion to coordinates (setting xdata,ydata and cdata attributes)""" if self.dimension == 1: self.data_x = self.MTs.__getattr__(self.parameter) self.data_y = False else: self.data_x = self.MTs.__getattr__(self.parameter[0]) self.data_y = self.MTs.__getattr__(self.parameter[1]) if len(self.MTs.probability) > 1: self.data_c = self.MTs.probability else: self.data_c = None def _background(self, handle): """Create the plot background """ parameter_mapping = {'gamma': '$\gamma$', 'delta': '$\delta$', 'kappa': '$\kappa$', 'sigma': '$\sigma$'} # Draw box if self.dimension == 1: try:[self.parameter]) except KeyError: try:[self.parameter]) except KeyError:, 1))[]) else: try:[self.parameter[0]]) except KeyError:[0]) try:[self.parameter[0]]) except KeyError:, 1)) try:[self.parameter[1]]) except KeyError:[1]) try:[self.parameter[1]]) except KeyError:, 1)) # Limits to plot super(_ParameterHistPlot, self)._background(handle) class _TapePlot(_HistPlot): def __init__(self, subplot_spec, fig, MTs, *args, **kwargs): """ Args subplot_spec: matplotlib subplot spec fig: matplotlib figure MTs: moment tensor samples (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) Keyword Args probability: numpy array - moment tensor probabilities colormap: str - matplotlib colormap selection (using fontsize: int - fontsize for text linewidth: float - base linewidth (sometimes thinner or thicker values are used, but relative to this parameter) text: bool - flag to show or hide text on the plot axis_lines: bool - flag to show or hide axis lines on the plot resolution: int - resolution for spherical sampling etc grid_lines: bool - show the interior grid lines marginalised: bool - marginalise the PDF (defailt is True) color: set marker color type_label: bool - show the label of the different types hex_bin: bool - use the hex-bin histogram type (slightly smoother) bins: int/array/list of arrays - bins for numpy histogram call """ super(_TapePlot, self).__init__(subplot_spec, fig, MTs, *args, **kwargs) self.parameter_classes = [] if not subplot_spec: self.grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 6, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) else: self.grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 2, 6, subplot_spec=subplot_spec, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) # Convert MTS self.MTs._convert('gamma') self.MTs._convert('kappa') self.axs = [] # Plot 1,1 split into gamma (2,0:3),delta (2,3:) self.parameter_classes.append(_ParameterHistPlot(self.grid_spec[0, 0:3], self.fig, self.MTs, parameter='gamma', *args, **kwargs)) self.axs.append(self.parameter_classes[-1].ax) self.parameter_classes.append(_ParameterHistPlot(self.grid_spec[0, 3:6], self.fig, self.MTs, parameter='delta', *args, **kwargs)) self.axs.append(self.parameter_classes[-1].ax) # Plot 2,1 split into kappa(2,0:2),h (2,2:4),sigma (2,4:) self.parameter_classes.append(_ParameterHistPlot(self.grid_spec[1, 0:2], self.fig, self.MTs, parameter='kappa', *args, **kwargs)) self.axs.append(self.parameter_classes[-1].ax) self.parameter_classes.append(_ParameterHistPlot(self.grid_spec[1, 2:4], self.fig, self.MTs, parameter='h', *args, **kwargs)) self.axs.append(self.parameter_classes[-1].ax) self.parameter_classes.append(_ParameterHistPlot(self.grid_spec[1, 4:6], self.fig, self.MTs, parameter='sigma', *args, **kwargs)) self.axs.append(self.parameter_classes[-1].ax) def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots the result Keyword Args MTs: Moment tensors to plot (see MTData initialisation docstring for formats) args: args passed to the _ParameterHistPlot._ax_plot functions (e.g. set local parameters to be different from initialisation values) kwargs: kwargs passed to the _ParameterHistPlot._ax_plot functions (e.g. set local parameters to be different from initialisation values) """ bins = kwargs.get('bins', None) for plot_class in self.parameter_classes: plot_class(*args, bins=bins) self.fig.patch.set_facecolor('w') if return class_mapping = {'amplitude': _AmplitudePlot, 'beachball': _AmplitudePlot, 'radiation': _RadiationPlot, 'faultplane': _FaultPlanePlot, 'lune': _LunePlot, 'hudson': _HudsonPlot, 'riedeseljordan': _RiedeselJordanPlot, 'tape': _TapePlot, 'parameter': _ParameterHistPlot} class_mapping = get_extensions(group='MTfit.plot', defaults=class_mapping)[1]